API - Version 2
We saw that the api version is now in v2 for some resources (as clusters) - https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/reference/api-resources-spec/v2/#tag/Clusters/
We tried to change some App services functions from v1 to v2, but ended resulting in some errors (or needing to add more parameters than the original one - in version 1).
Using version 1, we only inform what we need to change ("instanceSize") plus the providerName.
to use version 2, we need to inform all this parameters (if it's a replica-set. If it is a sharding we also need to inform the numShards):
What I need to change is only the "instanceSize":"M10", but I need to use IN A PATCH all this other parameters. It doesn't make any sense to need to inform all of this if I'm using a PATCH (it is not a PUT, it should work fine receiving only what I'm about to change)
It would be great if this could be fixed so it would work just receiving what we want to change, or at least just receiving the parameters that v1 needed.