Enable Private Link for Azure Data Factory
Private Link for Azure Data Factory is not currently supported. This appears to be the most secure way for ADF to connect to Atlas / MongoDB, and support for this feature would be ideal for our use-case.
Nicolai commented
Found guide for how to set private link up between ADF and Altas MongoDB right at the
support page. It did not appear in my abbundance of google searches! -
Chandrasekar Vijayakumar commented
This is one of the important features that we are looking for. We hope this feature will be released as soon as possible.
Christian Béland commented
After multiple attemps, I got it to work. It is just not documented.
You have to:
1 - Create the private endpoint in Atlas (vnet name should be "default" or use az cli to find out)
2 - Note the connection string to connect to the private endpoint in mongodb:// format (ex: mongodb://USERNAME:PASSWORD@PRIVATE-ENDPOINT-HOSTNAME:1033,PRIVATE-ENDPOINT-HOSTNAME:1034,PRIVATE-ENDPOINT-HOSTNAME:1035/?ssl=true&replicaSet=REPLICATSET-NAME&authSource=admin&retryWrites=true&w=majority)
2- Create a managed private endpoint of type "Private Link Service" in ADF and add the PRIVATE-ENDPOINT-HOSTNAME in the Fully Qualified Domain Names list
3- Create the MongoDB Atlas Linked service using a private integration runtime and the aforementioned connection string.Hope this helps!
Shanmuganathan commented
Please enable this feature
Una commented
It's really an important feature for network security. Hope this feature can be released ASAP.