Migrate to new cluster without auto upgrade (5.1.0)
Our clusters are in auto upgraded feature of MongoDB versions right now.
We want to stop the auto upgrade feature for now and migrate our clusters to new one with the MongoDB version 5.1.0.
But, when we try to create a new cluster it's not showing the option for version 5.1.0.
And we need 5.1.0, because we're going to restore the data from the current cluster which is versioned 5.1.0.
Your help is much appreciated.

Hi Jothibasu, The new Latest/auto-upgrade path is an alternative to the annual LTS path, and in hat path you cannot stick on a specific rapid release like 5.1. So either you want to stay on 5.0 and then 6.0 comes out next year, or go on the Latest/auto-upgrade and go 5.1 to 5.2 to 5.3 etc to 6.0 automatically. -Andrew