Document Atlas Cluster Tier Performance Expectations
Document approximate Atlas cluster tier performance expectations that application development teams could reference when requesting an Atlas cluster (IOPS, max connections, network performance).
This information is currently available in the Atlas UI.
Other cloud providers such as CloudAMQP do this:

Steven commented
Perhaps this table could be build using test results from TPCC or YCSB?
In any case, the IOp/S metric in Atlas is without context. One would need block size, workload (seq vs rand), and IO depth to make any sense out of this. Is this a MongoDB, 30K seq write (iodepth 2) in flushing the cache or random reads executed by client?
Likewise, the CPU and RAM values are clear context AFAIK. It would take most folks time to dig to find out what Cloud VM MDB is using.
Performance numbers calculated on well-specified VMs/storage using industry performance tests would help allot.