Live Migrate modal: Allow users to point and click to select another Atlas source cluster
It is often practical to Live Migrate from one Atlas cluster to another Atlas cluster (e.g. to create another staging environment if backups are not enabled on the source, or migrate a production/staging environment to another dedicated project with minimal downtime).
Currently, the Live Migrate modal requires connection details from the source cluster, including the hostname of the primary, port, etc. Validation will fail if there are typos/errors in these inputs.
It would be easier to have a point-and-click option to "Migrate from another Atlas cluster" -- it could be a drop-down menu with names of other Atlas clusters in the project/organization that could be selected. The required connection parameters could then be automatically populated based on the particular cluster. A temporary user with the required permissions could even be created and then removed after the migration is complete.
This could make it easier to start Live Migrations between Atlas clusters, and avoid the need for the user to locate and confirm specific source connection requirements.