Custom replica set tags
Currently Atlas comes with pre-defined Replica set tags such as Provider, Node Types, Region.. But as of now no options for user-defined tags.
Please provide options for custom/user-defined replica set tags.

Felix Manuel commented
We would like to add user defined tags to pin some read replica nodes to a specific api that uses the cluster (to isolate the reads from other apis).
Elyess commented
I also was struggling for the non extendible/flexible tags management.
For my case I would like to tags my cluster based on the environment (dev . staging, prod) to integrate those tags into Opsgenie incident rule filtering. -
Hi Jeyaraj,
Can you add some color on what use case you have in mind for tags: it's really valuable for us to understand use cases and goals to inform a path forward, whether that's by introducing new tagging options in the future or alternative ways of delivering to those same use cases.
Thanks a lot