Show Index Error on UI
When creating an index on your UI, if the index creation gives an error, the error doesn't show on the UI, for example if you have a field of type string, and have a value longer than 1024 bytes, and try to create a normal index on this field, the UI will tell you the index it's been creating successfully, but when you go to your collection and see your indexes, this will not appear, but when you create it on the MongoDB console, it gives the following error. It would be nice to have this error shown on the UI
WiredTigerIndex::insert: key too large to index, failing 2864 { : "TXQAAE10ABdjb20uY2F1Y2hvLm5hbWluZy5RTmFtZVMACF9jb250ZXh0TXQAJ2phdmF4Lm5hbWluZy5zcGkuQ29udGludWF0aW9uRGlyQ29udGV4dFMAA2NwZU10ACNqYXZheC5uYW1pbmcuQ2Fubm..." }