Elections bar colors in Metrics should be more vivid
The atlas metrics show node election statuses in colors - red/orange and brown. When there are multiple re-elections in a short period of time, these all merge together making it hard to decipher the order of occurrence - especially the near overlap of orange and brown Having vivid/contrasting colors should make debugging easier.
It would be helpful if some aspect about the x-axis would tell you what status the node was in at a given time. For example: the x-axis is also that color from time X to time Y, and then the node was demoted/down and the axis turns to the appropriate color until time Z when the status changes again.

Francisco de Borja commented
Also, I am partially colorblind (deuteranopia), like more than 1% of men. It would be good if you could choose a color palette respecting the different colorblindness, or at least giving the change for it, to just to allow choosing the colors ourselves.
AdminRez (Admin, MongoDB) commented
Hi Prachi - Good feedback. We are evaluating how we can improve the election bars in metrics in the latter half of 2020.