A Simple Undo Function.
A Bit Of Background Information
Just talked to Julia from PR. Apparently "undo" is not an available feature.
there is a backup option for higher tier customers.
I am not asking for a full on log of everything. Just a simple copy of the last added or deleted document in a collection for example. In case you accidentally clicked the confirm delete button on the document, your mouse was happening to hover over, when a spider jumped down from the ceiling and landed on your mouse.
It happens.
Besides the point.
That functionality is not particularly hard to implement, nor will it cut your revenue.
Hear me out.
For atlas (web only) for example:
All that needs to be done is to save a copy of the current document you have handled, be it adding it or deleting it.
Yes,you need not necessarily save a copy of a document you created.
Besides the point.
The copy for said document, will be saved in either in cache, cookie, session storage, what ever your heart's desire.
Be it encrypted or not.
Up to you.
All I am asking is, please, for the love of god, think of the less fortunate once in a while and implement an undo feature.
"But were busy at the moment"
You may as well hire me for the job, this should not take all that long to implement.
Always open for further question or a good discussion.
A doofus on the job

AdminRez (Admin, MongoDB) commented
Hi Robert - Thanks for the feedback. I am assuming you would be invoking the undo immediately? In other words, the undo will not be persisted through different sessions?