Update your API to support GraphQL
The current REST API requires many queries to get all of the information needed for a simple thing. For example, if I want to pull logs for a cluster called My-Cluster in a project called My-Project, I need to....
- GET the list of projects from the organization
- Parse the result to locate the Project ID for My-Project
- GET the list of clusters in My-Project
- Parse the result to locate the cluster nodes that I need to grab logs for
- For each node in the cluster:
- GET the log(s) for that node
At least the first four steps described here could be reduced to a single call with a GraphQL API that would return only the list of nodes.
The resulting reduction in queries would mean fewer and easier queries for API users and lower load on your API infrastructure.
Thank you for the suggestion, Martin! We definitely have an aspiration to eventually revamp our API toward a number of usability and maintenance improvements: it's one of those things that is difficult to prioritize over the near term since the existing API gets the job done in most cases. Still, hearing it from you helps keep this top of mind.