Heroku Atlas Plugin
Since mongo lab https://docs.mlab.com/mlab-to-atlas/ is acquired by mongo, and migration to Atlas is recommended.
We need Heroku Plugin for mongo Atlas, as promised on https://docs.mlab.com/mlab-to-atlas/ page FAQ section.
My company is planning some big projects on heroku and having a plugin would make our lives much easier.
Is there any ETA on this plugin delivery date?
Since the set goal of migrating mongo lab users to Atlas is start of 2020 Heroku mongo lab users should have easy option to do it soon.

Hi Markiyan,
Thanks for bringing this up: we regret not having a path to deliver this one on the timeline we wish we could.
Unfortunately, as you may be aware, Heroku's billing model is somewhat incompatible with the liquid credits model that MongoDB Atlas uses. We've spoken to the Heroku team quite a few times about this over the last few years, and they do understand the challenge.
We do have a few ideas for how we might be able to approximate an Altas-ready model with the Heroku model, but there are a number of caveats. We're hopeful that Heroku's integrations model may become more flexible in future.
Out of curiosity, is it specifically the billing integration that's most important to you, or the ease of setting of the plugin integration to your application stack? I ask because it would be great if we could find a way for the latter to be possible without the billing piece being a blocker.