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151 results found

  1. killop

    I have read the other two suggestions on providing more killOp() and read Andrew's comment on the difficulties in the medium term.

    I just watched a situation where a primary became unresponsive and the queues piled up. The solution was to cause an election, but the dba wanted to kill operations by user (the application user) and couldn't.

    It would be nice to have something more than the real-time panel, which in this situation had become unresponsive as well so it was no use, such as a DBA console where an authorized dba could kill operations started by other users.

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  2. Support multi-cloud

    Support multi-cloud as available in the Atlas UI

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  3. Allow Realm to stream application logs to Splunk (or other third party services)

    It would be ideal if there was some native way to send Realm application logs to Splunk (and other third-party log aggregation services), instead of having to build an application in a separate environment to poll this API endpoint ( and push logs to Splunk from there.

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  4. Backup Policy change approvals

    The Backup Policy configuration shows a checkbox allowing the altered backup policy to affect all prior backups. The problem with this is that someone could accidentally (or maliciously) delete all prior backups.

    This feature request would include implementing some sort of multi level approval prior to enacting said recursive backup policy changes (affecting prior backup snapshots).

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    I am pleased to announce that we have addressed your concern of accidental or malicious deletion of all backups in a cluster. We have released our backup feature called Backup Compliance Policy, that protects your backups from being deleted by any user, ensuring WORM and full immutability (can not be edited/modified or deleted) for backups automatically in Atlas.

    Backup Compliance Policy allows organizations to configure a project-level policy to prevent the deletion of backups before a predefined period, guarantee all clusters have backup enabled, ensure that all clusters have a minimum backup retention and schedule policy in place, and more.

    With these controls, you can more easily satisfy data protection requirements (e.g., AppJ, DORA, immutable / WORM backups, etc.) without the need for manual processes.

    Please note that the Backup Compliance Policy can not be disabled without MongoDB support once enabled so please make sure to read our…

  5. Allow editing default project alerts via terraform

    For instance, the default Query Targeting alert is set at a 1000:1 ratio. I would like to have the default alert set to 5000:1 for a project via terraform.

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  6. write concern terraform

    Allow configuring "defaultWriteConcern" using the terraform plugin.

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  7. Recovery after cluster delete

    Cloud Backups should be recoverable even after a cluster delete otherwise they can't really be considered backups. One way to do this would be to allow for automated backup downloads to customer specified cloud provider storage.

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    0 comments  ·  Backup  ·  Admin →


    I am pleased to announce that in Atlas you now have an option to retain all backups when terminating an M10+ cluster.

    When you terminated a cluster through the Atlas Ui, on the termination confirmation pop up, you will now see an additional toggle labeled "Keep existing snapshots after termination". If you select this option when terminating your cluster, all of your backups for that cluster will be retained.

    You can also choose to retain you backups for a cluster when deleting a cluster through the Atlas Administration API. When deleting a cluster through the API, you can include the retainBackups parameter and this will retain all of your backups after termination as well.

    You can view or use the backups from a terminated (or other active) M10+ cluster by selecting the "Backup" tab in the left side navigation of the Atlas UI.

    As I mentioned…

  8. Add a resource to configure the backup policy for Cloud Provider Snapshots

    Please add support to change the backup policy for Cloud Provider Snapshots.

    This is the API I am referring to:


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  9. Define Default Backup Policy

    The ability to save a custom backup policy as the default, so all new clusters don't have to be customized to meet the backup policy requirements.

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    0 comments  ·  Backup  ·  Admin →


    I am pleased to announce that we have released our backup feature called Backup Compliance Policy, that enables the ability to define a default backup policy.

    Backup Compliance Policy allows organizations to configure a project-level policy to prevent the deletion of backups before a predefined period, guarantee all clusters have backup enabled, ensure that all clusters have a minimum backup retention and schedule policy in place, and more.

    With these controls, you can more easily satisfy data protection requirements (e.g., AppJ, DORA, immutable / WORM backups, etc.) without the need for manual processes.

    Please note that the Backup Compliance Policy can not be disabled without MongoDB support once enabled so please make sure to read our documentation thoroughly before enabling.

  10. Add Terraform resource for custom database roles

    Could we have a Terraform resource for creating custom database roles?

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  11. Terraforming IP access list for project API key

    The Terraform provider supports setting up IP access lists for organization API keys with "mongodbatlasaccesslistapikey". For project API keys, however, there is no way of managing IP access lists with Terraform, and we have to do it manually using the MongoDB Atlas UI.

    Terraforming this is valuable because it would allow us to document the why and the what for each IP address or CIDR block. Having it in code will also increase the visibility of these access lists to the rest of the team, as changes to project API key access lists will be code-reviewed…

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  12. Allow to add tags to Atlas Project Clusters

    Tagging resources is not a new idea and it is widely used across cloud/service providers, that allow the operators to use tags to better identify deployed business resources.
    Today, this is not available, making it harder to create processes that allow operators to identify deployed resources, in particular deployed clusters. Leading operators to use the cluster name or project name to build strict hierarchies, to distinguish, as an example, which projects or clusters are development or production by providing a prefix or suffix. This approach is brittle, since you cannot change the name of a cluster (or want to) needing…

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  13. Having tag/label in the Atlas UI


    The ATLAS portal used to view our organizations, projects, deployments, etc... does not offer a tag/label functionality at the visual interface level.

    This is problematic because when managing multiple organizations, projects, and deployments. We need to be able to put metadata on these objects/components (organization, project, deployment, user, custom group, API Key, Network address) in order to properly manage our inventory.

    In Azure, this notion of "tag" is very useful and can be used on all types of components (See attached image which presents tags that we have on an Azure component used for encryption at rest).

    We would…

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  14. Support tags on Mongo databases

    I have been supporting multiple projects/clusters with databases from different business units.

    I'd like the ability to tag databases using a key value pair - similar to GCP, Azure, AWS. Tags will help us organise and understand what's running in our clusters and ensuring a more efficient/granular billing process.

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    0 comments  ·  Billing  ·  Admin →
  15. 5 votes

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    completed  ·  1 comment  ·  Alerts  ·  Admin →
  16. Automatic backup outside Atlas

    For DR strategy, one need to have its backups outside Atlas.
    This can be achieved in several ways. Some are:
    - Provide APIs to download the current backups and let the customers automate this on their side
    - Write backups in the customer provided cloud account (aws s3, azure blob stroage...) My favorite option

    I found many ideas related to my needs, but they were too specific. This need is more general: just provide a way to have backups automatically outside of atlas.

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    3 comments  ·  Backup  ·  Admin →
  17. Ability to delete account

    I really need to delete my account as this is not what I am looking for.

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  18. Allow user to specify either more date types, or arbitrary archive criteria

    Currently to configure the online archive service, you specify which column you want to use, which must be a Date type. Our collections often use integer fields holding the offset from the epoch, and there are other fields people might reasonably used.

    My suggsetion would be to allow for a diverse set of date types, or ideally, allow the user to specify the criteria themselves with a mongo query.

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    completed  ·  1 comment  ·  Online Archive  ·  Admin →
  19. Atlas backup to second region in a Terraform Module

    Feature for selecting "Atlas backup to second region" in Terraform Module.
    Currently, this option is only supported by the UI and the API.

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  20. MS Teams alert support in terraform provider

    It is possible to configure MS Teams alerts in the atlas UI, however terraform support is still missing. It would be great to have that option

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