- A brief description of what you are looking to do
- How you think this will help
- Why this matters to you
151 results found
Enable the use of the timeouts { ... } block in resource declarations.
Enable the use of the timeouts { ... } block in resource declarations. I consistently get a timeout error on destroy of resources:
Error: error deleting MongoDB Private Endpoints Connection(5e4e93f3c0073240658e5b1f): timeout while waiting for state to become 'DELETED, FAILED' (last state: 'DELETING', timeout: 2m0s)
1 voteThe timeout on this resource has been increased ( and since then we’ve seen no reports hitting the timeout before completion of the deletion. If this is encountered again please file an issue at letting us know what resource is hitting a timeout, what version of the provider and terraform you are using, and any relevant logs.
Thank you!
Add a resource to configure the backup policy for Cloud Provider Snapshots
Please add support to change the backup policy for Cloud Provider Snapshots.
This is the API I am referring to:
6 votesThis is now out in version 0.5.1 of the provider. Once CPS in enabled the Atlas default schedule is imported and can be modified via terraform configuration (however if you chose to use the default no modification is needed).
Add Atlas instance in Azure Norway
We host data that is preferred to reside in Norway. Do you have plans to expand to the newly added Azure Norway data center?
2 votes -
Add support for name as argument for the team data sources
Currently, there is a datasource for team, but it requires an ID as argument.
There are available APIs with look ups by ID but also by name.
Can we support the data source look up by name as well? That would be interesting as could avoid knowing the ID of the project or team and look up that ID via name.Thanks.
(Note Admin edit -> as project missing name as an argument was a regression that is corrected in v0.4.1. However team is still up for later consideration for name expansion so leaving for feedback.)
2 votesThank you all for the feedback!
Completed via PR, in 0.6.2 and greater. Note a small bug is being corrected via and will be included in the next release.
Ability to create mongodbatlas database user with certificate X.509
It would be great to have the ability to create mongodbatlas database user with certificate X.509 and get back certificate encoded or not in the output.
1 voteThis has been released in version 0.4.0
and info on 0.4.0: -
gsuite access
I'd love to see better integration with google services as authentication provider. The current workflow of manually setting up the identity providers/domains in atlas & custom saml endpoints(even without a preset) is pretty complicated imo.
1 voteWe now support Login/Register with Google without having to setup SAML.
Provide `replSetName` vs. `snapshotId` mapping in `GET /groups/{GROUP-ID}/clusters/{CLUSTER-NAME}/backup/snapshots` Public API call for each
What is the problem that needs to be solved? Provide
mapping inGET /groups/{GROUP-ID}/clusters/{CLUSTER-NAME}/backup/snapshots
Public API call for eachsnapshotId
.Why is it a problem? (the pain) You're doing automated disaster recovery (restore from Atlas to on-prem via Manual Restore) scenario and you need to know which
(and its corresponding.tar.gz
file) is related to which Atlas Cluster Shard/Config Server Replica Set. E.g.5e442aa4cf09a2352527536b
.3 votes -
OKTA integration logo is not provided with documentation resources
OKTA integration logo is not provided with documentation resources, make sure engineers/integration admins do not deal with copyrighted content and spend time in graphical arts
Please, add necessary resources following best presentation options and recommendations from OKTA for the button logo (or refer to me if you like my sample)
Attached example we created from some picture over "the internets" ?
1 voteMongoDB Cloud is now included in the Okta Integration Catalog as a pre built tile. It has a logo.
Enable the use of AWS PrivateLink in Terraform
MongoDB Atlas provides the ability to configure AWS PrivateLink to connect customer VPCs with MongoDB Atlas. I would like to see this capability exposed through Terraform.
3 votesThis has been released in version 0.4.0
and info on 0.4.0: -
Define Default Backup Policy
The ability to save a custom backup policy as the default, so all new clusters don't have to be customized to meet the backup policy requirements.
6 votesHello,
I am pleased to announce that we have released our backup feature called Backup Compliance Policy, that enables the ability to define a default backup policy.
Backup Compliance Policy allows organizations to configure a project-level policy to prevent the deletion of backups before a predefined period, guarantee all clusters have backup enabled, ensure that all clusters have a minimum backup retention and schedule policy in place, and more.
With these controls, you can more easily satisfy data protection requirements (e.g., AppJ, DORA, immutable / WORM backups, etc.) without the need for manual processes.
Please note that the Backup Compliance Policy can not be disabled without MongoDB support once enabled so please make sure to read our documentation thoroughly before enabling.
Allow creation of API Keys and their Whitelists via Terraform
Currently it is not possible to create an Organization API Key via terraform and manage its IP Whitelist. This would be a very useful feature for large organizations:
2 votesWhile this was not added to Terraform, support now exists for MongoDB Atlas Programmatic API key generation within Vault, which due to the sensitive nature of API keys this seemed a better fit for the functionality.
HashiCorp Vault 1.4 – -
Don't show prompt to enable 2FA when Google login is used
Since you can't do it, it's a bit annoying to have the yellow banner across the screen.
1 vote -
Expose auto cluster scaling options via Terraform
We would like the ability to configure an auto scaling cluster via Terraform. Currently we need to modify our cluster after its creation via terraform to setup auto scaling parameters.
37 votesThank you to everyone who provided input here and directly. We are about to release the provider, v0.6.0, which exposes the autoscale attributes for clusters and includes a recommendation to use a lifecycle block to prevent Terraform and Atlas from conflicting (this will be included in the clusters documentation that will come out w/ the release). Please continue to provide suggestions here or reach out directly to Thank you!
Maintenance notification to Slack
Would like to get notified for maintenance through slack channel as well as in mail or GUI banner
3 votes -
Third party integration resource with terraform
Add a terraform resource for third party integrations (such as PagerDuty) to allow it to be set up.
22 votesSupport for 3rd party integrations is now included in version 0.7.0 of the Terraform MongoDB Atlas Provider, available today!
Thank you for the feedback.
Send alert when there are performance advisor recommendations
I would like to have an alert setting when MongoDB Atlas's performance advisor has any recommendations.
Currently there is no way to determine if the performance advisor has a suggested improvement on the main project console page.
Our prod project has a lot of clusters(with more planned). It is cumbersome to go in and check each one manually.
9 votesWe released Performance Advisor alerts on Week of Aug 7. It is available as a default alert.
Give option to IP whitelist security groups using Terraform
It would be good to enable the mongodbatlas terraform provider and the mongodbatlasprojectip_whitelist resource to allow the adding of security groups, on top of CIDR blocks and IP addresses.
this is supported in the Atlas API.
1 voteThis has been released in version 0.4.0 info on 0.4.0: -
Allow Atlas clusters to be paused using terraform
The ability to pause Atlas clusters through terraform would help with being able to pause our non-prod environments when not in use. Currently this has to be managed directly with the Atlas API
26 votesThis is out as of today in version 1.2.0 of the provider. See for details. Thank you!
atlas terrafrom mongodbatlas_encryption_at_rest
It would be great to have secrets as sensitive fields in the "mongodbatlasencryptionatrest" terraform resource such as client secrets, secretaccess_key, etc. Otherwise they show as plain text in the console/stdout. I understand they will still be stored in the state file, but at least they are removed from logs.
3 votesAll of the sensitive fields should now be marked as such in the code base for the provider. If any others are found please file an issue at: you!
remove the captcha from login, especially if 2 factor auth is enabled.
I very much dislike being asking to train ML models by doing picture identification just to login to my account. Please find a less offensive captcha process, or remove it entirely when 2 factor auth is enabled.
8 votesI am happy to update you that we have taken alternative security measures and reCAPTCHA challenge was removed from Atlas.
- Don't see your idea?