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151 results found

  1. Allow creation of Atlas organizations in Terraform

    there are really 3 steps for our dev teams to get moving in Atlas:
    1. create an org
    2. create a project
    3. create a cluster
    the first one is the only one that still has to be done from a console. if we had a terraform script to create an org in our account, we could trigger creation after approval in ServiceNow

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    completed  ·  Zuhair responded

    This feature has been released in v1.10.0 of the Terraform Provider for MongoDB Atlas! Thank you for the feedback. 

  2. Change Azure snapshot backups from LRS to GRS

    Sorry but this is a must. GRS is a 2 region datacenter backup, LRS only 1. Fire or disaster will take out everything if LRS is used.

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    3 comments  ·  Backup  ·  Admin →


    We recently released a feature that we call Snapshot Distribution which allows any Atlas user to copy their backups into additional cloud provider regions that are supported in Atlas. 

    This allows you to store the backups in whatever region you prefer automatically. In the event of a disaster in a cloud provider region, Atlas will intelligently use a backup copy in an additional region for a restore.

    You can read more about this in this blog, , and our docs, .

  3. YubiKey

    Please consider adding 2FA support for hardware keys (Yubikey). Our company started enforcing this in our compliance policy for accessing production environments.

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    6 comments  ·  IAM  ·  Admin →
  4. Add a resource to configure the backup policy for Cloud Provider Snapshots

    Please add support to change the backup policy for Cloud Provider Snapshots.

    This is the API I am referring to:


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  5. SSO integration for Atlas UI

    Enabling SSO for the Atlas interface would limit the ability for outside people to gain access to our accounts. It would also provide us with enterprise tools for managing user access.

    Currently we are using Atlas credentials to log into the Atlas frontend. This appears to be a security risk long term as people could hack into our account and create/destroy resources.

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  6. Allow creating alerts via terraform

    Allow creating alerts via terraform

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  7. Define Default Backup Policy

    The ability to save a custom backup policy as the default, so all new clusters don't have to be customized to meet the backup policy requirements.

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    0 comments  ·  Backup  ·  Admin →


    I am pleased to announce that we have released our backup feature called Backup Compliance Policy, that enables the ability to define a default backup policy.

    Backup Compliance Policy allows organizations to configure a project-level policy to prevent the deletion of backups before a predefined period, guarantee all clusters have backup enabled, ensure that all clusters have a minimum backup retention and schedule policy in place, and more.

    With these controls, you can more easily satisfy data protection requirements (e.g., AppJ, DORA, immutable / WORM backups, etc.) without the need for manual processes.

    Please note that the Backup Compliance Policy can not be disabled without MongoDB support once enabled so please make sure to read our documentation thoroughly before enabling.

  8. Show all team users on one page

    When we do SOC2 reviews, we have to take screenshots of the permissions various users have. Currently, a specific "team" in Atlas only shows 5 users at a time and is paginated. Taking screenshots of 5 users at a time is pretty tedious, so it would be amazing to have a page with the full list.

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    completed  ·  0 comments  ·  IAM  ·  Admin →
  9. DNS

    In much the same way that Amazon RDS has a public/private setting, could you add a setting to Atlas that lets us make the DNS entries for our cluster resolve to their private IPs all the time instead of just inside a VPC?

    This would improve security by routing our connection through a VPN into a VPC that has a peering connection with Atlas' VPC. To accomplish this now, one must to find the private IPs of a cluster and create local, manual DNS entries in a router or on a machine.

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  10. remove the captcha from login, especially if 2 factor auth is enabled.

    I very much dislike being asking to train ML models by doing picture identification just to login to my account. Please find a less offensive captcha process, or remove it entirely when 2 factor auth is enabled.

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    2 comments  ·  IAM  ·  Admin →

    I am happy to update you that we have taken alternative security measures and reCAPTCHA challenge was removed from Atlas.

  11. Allow adding a Team to a Project via Terraform

    I can create a Project in Terraform, but I cannot add a Team to it afterwards.

    I am an Organization Member, so I cannot see Projects that I do not have explicit access to. This means that for any Project I create via Terraform, I need to ask someone with more permissions to add my Team to the Project.

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  12. Allow creation of API Keys and their Whitelists via Terraform

    Currently it is not possible to create an Organization API Key via terraform and manage its IP Whitelist. This would be a very useful feature for large organizations:

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  13. Atlas Activity feed should be searchable by cluster

    The Atlas activity feed is currently searchable by Type of event. It should have an option to search by cluster name to quickly narrow down any particular activities relating to a particular cluster

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  14. Enable the use of AWS PrivateLink in Terraform

    MongoDB Atlas provides the ability to configure AWS PrivateLink to connect customer VPCs with MongoDB Atlas. I would like to see this capability exposed through Terraform.

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  15. Maintenance notification to Slack

    Would like to get notified for maintenance through slack channel as well as in mail or GUI banner

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  16. Support a broader range of 2FA providers

    Introduce compatibility with additional 2FA providers for Atlas customers, such as:
    - Authy
    - Microsoft Authenticator
    - Okta Verify
    - Duo

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  17. Add Atlas instance in Azure Norway

    We host data that is preferred to reside in Norway. Do you have plans to expand to the newly added Azure Norway data center?

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  18. Provide `replSetName` vs. `snapshotId` mapping in `GET /groups/{GROUP-ID}/clusters/{CLUSTER-NAME}/backup/snapshots` Public API call for each

    What is the problem that needs to be solved? Provide replSetName vs. snapshotId mapping in GET /groups/{GROUP-ID}/clusters/{CLUSTER-NAME}/backup/snapshots Public API call for each snapshotId.

    Why is it a problem? (the pain) You're doing automated disaster recovery (restore from Atlas to on-prem via Manual Restore) scenario and you need to know which snapshotId (and its corresponding .tar.gz file) is related to which Atlas Cluster Shard/Config Server Replica Set. E.g. 5e442aa4cf09a2352527536b = Cluster0-shard-0, 5e442aa4cf09a23525275370 = Cluster0-shard-1, 5e442aa4cf09a23525275375 = Cluster0-config-0.

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    completed  ·  0 comments  ·  Backup  ·  Admin →
  19. Add Terraform resource for custom database roles

    Could we have a Terraform resource for creating custom database roles?

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  20. atlas terrafrom mongodbatlas_encryption_at_rest

    It would be great to have secrets as sensitive fields in the "mongodbatlasencryptionatrest" terraform resource such as client secrets, secretaccess_key, etc. Otherwise they show as plain text in the console/stdout. I understand they will still be stored in the state file, but at least they are removed from logs.

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