- A brief description of what you are looking to do
- How you think this will help
- Why this matters to you
127 results found
Need Prior notification For The Scheduled maintenance
We have noticed that our servers undergo scheduled maintenance, resulting in unexpected reboots. However, we lack information about the nature and purpose of these maintenance activities. We require a prior notification regarding scheduled minor/major maintenance to ensure that we can take proactive measures from our end. This would enable us to prepare appropriately and minimize any potential disruptions or issues caused by the maintenance.
2 votes -
Atlas raise alerts if resource consumption hits threshold notifications only when it's already scales up to the max tier
Atlas can be configured to raise alerts if resource consumption hits threshold only when the Atlas cluster already scales up to the max tier allowed. This can be help to avoid notification spams which does not require operation team actions and focus on the critical resource consumption alerts like cpu, memory, disk IO.
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We I propose integrating built-in alerts for KMIP key expiration into MongoDB Ops Manager, enhancing our security management and preventing
One crucial feature currently lacking in ops manager is the ability to alert users on impending KMIP key expirations in a similar vein to SSL certificate expiration alerts.
I propose integrating built-in alerts for KMIP key expiration into MongoDB Ops Manager, enhancing our security management and preventing inadvertent lapses in key validity.
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Suppres/Stop Alerts caused by Mirrored Reads
Sometimes the "Mirrored Reads" queries cause alerts of "Query targeting " to appear in Profiler. Since these queries are related to mongod process, we want to stop this type of alerts
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Include more actionable data in Alert emails
Currently the alert emails just link to the profiler page with nothing selected. This makes it guess work if there are multiple items in the profiler to examine. If you are unable to check the profiler within 24 hours of the email, no data could exist specifically for the alert email.
It would be much more actionable if the email alerts mentioned the collection that was being queried, the appName that triggered the query, and a direct link to the query in the profiler showing complete details of the query that triggered the alert.
This would make triage near instant…
2 votes -
mTLS for Atlas Alert Webhook Integration
Atlas currently does not support mTLS on HTTPS traffic to Alert webhooks. Some customers whose alerting services are on-premises may require this per their security policy. We should support mTLS on webhook integrations to enable those customers to use their on-premises alerting systems.
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Send alert(email) when database is deleted
The alert conditions do not contain conditions like
- when database is deleted
- when cluster is deleted
- when project is deletedWe want to get notified if a malicious person or someone by mistake deleted major parts of the database.
This simple notification is not possible right now.2 votes -
Alert for Cluster Deployment
Have an alert for when a cluster has been deployed sucessfully. This way the person setting up the cluster in the UI and others in the projects know that the deployment is ready.
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Having the alert "Acknowledge for" option actually do acknowledge the alert for the specified time period
I gathered that Atlas alerts are design to retrigger once the condition is met. Then what does acknowledge mean in that case when providing any timeframe like forever? To me acknowledging an alert forever means that the alert would never to raise again.
In our case the number of connections for one cluster out of many goes slightly over the threshold, then shortly thereafter, goes below the threshold . The condition is 'flapping'. I know that this connection count condition is not leading to the number of connections to be exceeded. But, I don't want to ignore that alerts for…
2 votes -
Auditing on high volume of data/records to capture malicious activity
We would like to requesting in the MongoDB Audit logs the following attributes: (available in profiler )
Additionally if this could be a MongoDB Alert that would be extremely helpful as well if we could provide a threshold in size BYTES (system.profile.responseLength) and/or RECORDS returned (nreturned)
This will help with security management in particular active auditing for capturing high volume of data/records returned by an account and could identify malicious activity or being hacked.
2 votes -
Show overlapping Alert configurations between different scopes
I wish there was a way to show an overlapping alert configuration. When alerts are defined on a global level but overridden on a project level, it is very hard to tell if something was overridden.
2 votes -
A default ‘Send to’ method for Alert configuration
I want to be able to define a default ‘Send to’ method that will be automatically configured during Alert creation.
The default is email, but when we use a 3rd party integration like PagerDuty, it is quite tedious to create alerts manually. The only quick and perhaps correct way is through automation such as MongoCLI or Terraform.
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Single page to view all configured Alerts
I want to be able to look through all of my Alerts for all of my projects on a single page to easily understand their state. I'd also like features to help me make sense of the aggregated list. (some type of sorting or filtering)
I struggle to understand the state of all of my Alerts, across all projects, because there isn't a centralized place to view all of them. It's also hard to maintain a large set of alerts for a given project because there's no way to sort/order them.
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Have a configurable "active_for" alert parameter to only open alerts when conditions last a specified duration
Some conditions are only worth an alert if this conditions persists for some time (usually minutes).
One example: some poorly performing background queries produce spikes in the "Scanned objects/returned objects" metric. We only want an alert if the ratio remains consistently high for x minutes/hours, instead of triggering the alert whenever a workload has a short spike that crosses the threshold.
My perception of the current state is as follows: once the metric reaches 1000, atlas will open an alert right away (it will show up in the UI under open alerts), but will wait with sending notifications until the…
2 votes -
Alert configurations should be unique
Atlas allows for the creation of duplicate alerts. Alert configurations should be unique such that exact duplicate configurations are prevented from being saved.
2 votes -
Allow for more than 1 webhook in the Atlas Integrations-->webhook popup dialogue window.
2 votes -
mute alerts during set times
We would like to be able to set a time frame for when an alert can be triggered.
Our use case is that some devs schedule high impact queries to run at night. If the rule is triggered at night, then we don't care, but if it's triggered during the day, it's something we look at and fix.
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alerting when a node has a non standard state
Add a new type of alert : to be alerted when one cluster node goes to a state different of standard states ("primary" or "secondary").
For example, I have a cluster that one secondary node is on a transient state : "other".
Thank you.2 votes -
allow control of pagerduty urgency (currently high) so that alerts can be managed better
Some alerts you need to know about immediately, others, the next working day will suffice. Allowing the user to set the urgency for each alert will allow a greater control over pager fatigue without having to bypass PagerDuty
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Be able to see the replica set member states via MongoDB Atlas on a Datadog dashboard and get alerts if it changes
It doesn't look like these health metrics are available for the Atlas product. Would love to be able to use the metric in MongoDB Atlas for both monitoring and alerting so that we can see the replica set member state on a dashboard as well as get alerted if it changes.
2 votes
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