252 results found
refer visual capitalist or roundmap or slidesgo etc
presenting directly data base to board of directors!!!
1 vote -
Drag and dropping fields doesn't work on chrome for me
It would be nice if I didn't have to switch browsers every time I wanted to edit a chart
1 vote -
Hide the Help Bubble Icon
Option to hide or minimize help bubble icon.
It is too big and blocks view when editing charts. Really annoying.
Especially the case when trying to resize charts. The Bubble blocks the resize selector
2 votes -
Expose MongoDB Logs as a Data Source to Charts
I'd like to be able to chart some of the metrics from the logs into Charts. This will allow me to have one central place to see all the relevant data I want to chart.
2 votes -
On Heatmaps can we have a logarithmic option on the Intensity 'axis' please?
On Heatmaps can we have a logarithmic option on the Intensity 'axis' please? I have heatmaps with a few very large counts that effectively cause the variation in the majority of smaller numbers to be obscured in the intensity representation. A logarithmic option would allow the smaller numbers to show more clearly. (It is hard to do this in the data source, as the count is being performed at chart level.)
1 vote -
Allow to process totals
Allow the charts to do calculations on the totals, say we fields: [currentAmount, renewedAmount]
And the chart shows as totals [1000, 800]Then it should allow to show it as .80 (or 80% with formatting), at least in a Text, Number Chart.
Keep in mind, since so far what I've researched we can only do calculations on each field then it would not be possible to add ratios per document.
2 votes -
data source collection not shown if name is long
If there are multiple collections with identical prefixes longer than 20 or so characters, it's not possible to tell them apart, making it impossible to see the data source collection
2 votes -
Re-zero bar chart after clicking legend item on stacked bar chart
Being able to highlight an individual series by clicking on its name in the legend great! Having an option to allow it to display as an ordinary bar chart so the relative heights within that series can be compared would be even better.
3 votes -
Interactive Graph Visualization in Charts
MongoDB advertises that it can be used as a graph database. Sample article
The power of a graph database is in it's interactivity and visualization. There are many visualization tools from native graph database software such as Neo4j Browser or Neo4j Bloom. While MongoDB may be able to store graph database content, the missing link is the ability to visualize and interact with graph data. Requesting for Charts to add Graph chart types that can be used by developers and for end users to consume.
12 votes -
Import single charts in existing dashboards
As we can now export dashboards as code, it could be great and very usefull to have the option of import a single chart (or some) into an existing dashboard.
4 votes -
Fields Box in Buildin Graphs, must be expandable
When building graphs, in the Fields box, many times the variable names are not fully visible, The Fields box should be expandable to show the fields completely
2 votes -
regex on filters
in the filters section in charts, filter string using regex
2 votes -
Use datasources from multiple projects
Currently it seems to only be possible to create charts from databases on a single Project. My org has many teams using Atlas and we each work in separate Projects but occasionally we want to provide visualizations of our data that cross teams. Currently we can't do that because Charts is tied to a single project. To be clear, I'm not interested in being able to combine data from multiple databases into a single chart, but rather into multiple charts in the same dashboard.
2 votes -
Average (trend) lines for a data series
I have many charts with series where the y-axis values (Revenue $$) bounce up and down along the x-axis (Date). At times, it's difficult to tell if the values are trending up or down. It would be nice to be able to configure a trendline that shows an average.
2 votes -
Ability to customize label data
When hovering over a data marker, I can see a box showing the X, Y values as well as the series. It would be quite useful to be able to include additional fields from the data source in that popup. In our case, we're plotting performance data for different commits, and while we do have the commit sha and can manually lookup information about the commit, it would be great to just have the commit message, author, and date at a glance in the charts.
10 votes -
Add error bars to bar/line charts
I have a dataset containing measurements, along with errors - e.g.
value: 187.12,
error: 12.51
}It would be quite useful to be able to plot the error values on a line chart so that we can see the uncertainty as well as the measured value.
2 votes -
Filter view issue
When adding more than 1 filter, the filters overlap. Viewing and using them becomes impossible. It should be a simple fix on your side (maybe just css)
1 vote -
allow to sort series by a field that is not in a series
We have one scenario in which we're adding a series for the purpose of using it in the 'sort by', specific example:
A "Thing" goes trough "Stages" (e.g. Open Doing, Done, Closed). These Stages have a particular order. We'd like a chart of number of Things per Stages.Right now we the sort by options would only allow us to sort by the Value or the Stages (alphabetically). What we'd like is to be able to provide the order we define.
There are two workarounds but are not ideal:
1. We can do stack bars and put the Order value…18 votes -
just to remove the support icon form the screen
just a little UX note
the support floating icon is covering the dashboard numbers in the Rt corner of the screen2 votes -
Allow dismissing the new user tour
I randomly get shown the new user tour and there is no way to dismiss it without going though all the messages.
1 vote
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