252 results found
Axis custom styling
It'd be great to be able to change the font size, color, and also the orientation of the labels.
Setting a maximum and minimum font size would be awesome.3 votes -
Axis hiding new feature
It would be great to have the option to hide an axis.
5 votes -
Add option for a dynamic Chart Title
It would be useful if I could set the chart title to equal the result of an aggregation on the chart's documents.
1 vote -
Cookies should be set with the 'SameSite' attribute
Hi guys, Chrome 79 reports an issue with cookies set by the embedded charts. It seems like they are missing the 'SameSite' attribute. If you could bring the cookies up to speed to comply with this apparent new standard, it'd be great.
Warning message I get in the Chrome console: "A cookie associated with a cross-site resource at <URL> was set without the
attribute. A future release of Chrome will only deliver cookies with cross-site requests if they are set withSameSite=None
. You can review cookies in developer tools under Application>Storage>Cookies and see more details at…2 votes -
Ability to set refresh rate via url param
We have dashboards that run on TVs without human interactions
I cannot change the refresh rate without human interactionYou could add a ?refresh=5m to the url
9 votes -
Add more specific roles for Charts
It will be great to have more specific roles to Charts totally separate from other Altas roles.
Currently if you want to have one team member allowed to configure charts,
you have to give him access (at least read only) to everything outside of Charts space, as cluster and database informations or even Stitch configuration.61 votesHi everyone,
We have some exciting news for you all, we are commencing work on Charts specific roles this month!
We will be launching the following x2 new roles:
Charts Author - these users can view/create charts and dashboards in Charts as long as they have access to the underlying data sources.
Charts Viewer - these users can view charts and dashboards in Charts as long as they have access to the underlying data sources
Both roles will have reduced permissions at the Project level and will have access to only Charts resources.
This is expected to go live in Q1 of next year.
Search Filter on Text fields
In Google Datastudio and I am sure in other tools like this you are not limited to randomly picked values for filtering data. We should have the option to Search and ideally be prompted with possible options(autocomplete) when filtering/searching on text fields.
4 votes -
team access control & datasource batch access
Controlling access for 40 team members & ~200data sources is super cumbersome and we actually stopped giving new coworkers access because it's so much work.
I'd love if i could just give team level read access to all charts & datasources needed within the chart.
6 votes -
Map Chart ID's to Dashboard
After embedding a chart an id is generated like this
It would be good if you map these id's with dashboards like first few chars would be same for the dashboard and embedded chart .So that While embedding them into our dashboard we can filter out who can see our charts based on ID we provide.
2 votes -
Permissions level to create charts but not data sources
We use the new data source pipelines feature to scrub our data sources of sensitive information. Unfortunately, though, right now if a user has permission to create a chart, then they have permission to create data sources. This undoes all of the work to protective sensitive information! Having a permission level that allows a user to create new charts but not new data sources would greatly improving the security/privacy of our data when working with MongoDB Charts.
15 votesThanks for the feedback Eric. Your scenario is very valid and we’d like to support this. We’d like to integrate this into the Atlas permissions model properly, rather than make it a Charts-only thing, so it may take us a little while to sort this out.
Ability to send email / slack alerts based on the data in the charts
Charts usually contain aggregated / pivoted data. Ability to alert on a specific variable would be great !
43 votes -
Try Adding Indian States and Cities name in Geo spatial (choropleth)
Try Adding Indian States and Cities names in Geo spatial (choropleth). Only us,uk states are present.
3 votes -
updating the min value dynamically to expand the chart
Imagine this scenario: You have a price x data chart with a range between 110.000 and 120.000 for prices.
But the chart always starts at 0. You ever have to update the minimum range manually to near 110.000 to show data in the graph appropriately. Counterproductive, not?
So, I suggest creating a feature to updating the min value dynamically to expand the chart and ever occupy the entire space of the cartesian plane, especially in continuous charts.3 votes -
Total number by adding all grouping on the chart
How can I show the total number by adding all grouping on the chart.
Example: 351+6.824=7.175
View label 7.175!
1 vote -
Chart Annotations
For continuous/discrete line and area charts, I would like to apply annotations to my charts so that I can highlight certain data points of my graph. A use-case for this would be to display targets that need to be achieved for my data or to explain certain events at a time point.
See attached image for a mockup.
6 votes -
Capability to add additional labels to Charts
Dear Charts Team,
I need to add additional labels to a Geospatial Scatter Chart such that I can display additional information about each datapoint.
The need arises, as we want to create a report, that allows the user to get an overview of the single data points as well as relevant metadata without the need to lookup this information in an additional table / connect to the Cluster and investigate the rest of the necessary information.
The project that I am building is an internal project thus I am using the sample Airbnb dataset to make an example.
I have…
2 votes -
Custom Binning Ranges
Hi Tom (and Team). We would love the ability to bin by custom ranges. We currently can only set a static number, which can lead to some pretty non-standard groupings of data.
EG: For Age, we'd like to be able to create the following bins: 0-17, 18-25, 26-35, 36-45, etc... Since under 18 is a common age range to group together, the bins we have to used are 0-17, 18-34, 35-52, etc..., which isn't a terribly standard age range to group data by.
6 votes -
3 votes
User Defined Choropleth
Choropleths are limited to predefined regions right now. There should be a way to define your own geographic regions to fit the needs of your business.
EG. Pacific NW may be Alaska, Washington, Oregon for one company, and include Idaho for another company. Or to define neighborhoods in a city.
3 votes -
Add US Counties/Parishes/Boroughs to Choropleth Shape Schemes
We could use a little more granularity on the Choropleth Geospatial Chart. We'd like to be able to look at a single state, and denote values of each of the counties, parishes, or boroughs of that state.
This feature is currently available for the UK, but not for the US.
2 votes
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