Deep Copying Objects Across Realms (aka: Partitions)
Copy/move snapshots from a source to a target cluster
Include MongoDB Shell (mongosh) and MongoDB Tools (mongoimport, mongoexport, mongodump, mongorestore) in Atlas Local Docker Image · planned
render all labels in a series
geospatial scatter absolute size
Show warning when user is configured with access to invalid resources
Have the Export Colelction feature list all collection fields by default
More Granular Node Read Preference Tags
Creating cluster specific network Access rules
Fix Database Access Modal Bugs
Migrate to new cluster without auto upgrade (5.1.0)
Copy as "normal" JSON
atlas clusters sampleData loaded command
REST API for sizing and pricing information
Support min-max computation for number and date fields, within Atlas Search
Update PayPal email address
implicit cast based on validation schema
Loadbalance functionality for Ops Manager
Update MongoDB driver in Elastic metricbeat and validate operability with Atlas