Copy as "normal" JSON
Would be nice to have ability to copy data in mongo shell compatible format. NOT like this:
{"id":{"$oid":"58a1b4496711f017c2be2c86"},"reportedBy": "$oid":"589b5cddb8843f642c09eecd"},"createdAt":{"$date":"2017-02-13T13:27:37.594Z"}}
But like this:
{ "id" : ObjectId("58a1b4496711f017c2be2c86"), "createdAt": ISODate("2017-02-13T13:27:37.594Z")}

Rob commented
We had this ability in Robo3T (very fast), but it's much slower in Studio 3T.
I was disappointed to discover both Compass and Compass Community do not support this syntax.
I'm fairly certain you can still do this from mongosh but the terminal is excruciatingly slow when pasting in very large documents.
mongoshuse my-database<paste-from-clipboard>);
``` -
Sergey commented
It would be nice if I can simply use exported data in my code. But for the moment it is not possible.
I have errors when I'm trying to import data from file.
MongoBulkWriteError: _id fields may not contain '$'-prefixed fields: $oid is not valid for storage.