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Atlas App Services

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  1. Expansion of user permissions

    Currently we have developers test code in the realm ui if multiple people are needing to work on the backend as there is no current method to deploy locally (ideally how you can with AWS Lambda). As of now, you can only directly modify a realm function in the ui if you have "Owner" permissions. This is very scary to give to individual resources

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  2. Atlas App Services regions in the UK

    UK Data Protection requirements often require data to reside within the UK, something that cannot be supported through Atlas App Services today.

    For all features (especially Charts, Realm and Triggers), being able to select the UK as a region would unlock additional customer use cases.

    Given I am a UK domiciled MongoDB Atlas user
    When I use MongoDB Charts
    Then all traffic should remain within the UK

    Given I am a UK domiciled MongoDB Atlas user
    When I use MongoDB Atlas Triggers
    Then I should have the option for my trigger to invoke from a UK data center

    Given I…

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  3. Add App Services Github Integration support for self-hosted Github Enterprise Server instances

    Right now there is no way to integrate App Services with Github if you're self-hosting your own Github Enterprise instance and you are required to create a Github Cloud account to do so. Please add App Services integration support for self-hosted Github instances.

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  4. Change message "not master" to something more meaningful

    Sorry if this is the wrong category but I assume that the nodejs component that is trying to write to MongoDB/Atlas is doing so via the Data API.

    Once in a while, in association with an attempted insert, I see the error message "not master", which is not giving me a clue about what's really happening. When I look through my logs, I see this message periodically in batches that occur within a few seconds. I had to reach out to support to find out what was happening. It turns out, it's just the server applying a software update.


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  5. Allowed Request Origins should support URLs with wildcard characters

    The Allowed Request Origins list in the App Settings, at this time, doesn't support URLs with wildcard characters. As modern services like Vercel generate dynamically new URLs during development, the list needs to be updated every time with the current URL, while having an option available that would accept "https://*" would simplify that step.

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  7. Alias

    Add Aliases for Database names

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  8. Allow to pass user on Realm's Database Triggers

    Currently I can create a Database Trigger, that when calling its Function I can restrict based on "%%user" - through "Can Evaluate". Though since the Function is called by a Trigger and therefore runs as a "system user" I cannot access the User object (or its details) within the Function - I (personally) mainly want the userID & email - though whole object would be better.

    Since a Function is called by a Trigger and therefore it runs as "System User" - Please allows us to pass an array of arguments for the Function. This could be a field after…

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    2 comments  ·  Triggers  ·  Admin →
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  9. Allow to create and store templates for Realm's 'Sync Permissions'

    Please allow to create, store and use custom templates for 'Permissions' for a partition-based 'Sync Permission' setup. This is under the area named "Define Permissions". There are pre-built ones but no custom ones. Makes you have to keep adding in each time you make changes.

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    1 comment  ·  Device Sync  ·  Admin →
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  10. Account Level Functions, Triggers and Values

    Can you please add the option to mark a 'Function, 'Trigger' and 'Values' to be available beyond a Realm App?

    That is, global type option for a Cluster and Account. This way we do not have to keep redundant copies. This is important for multiple Realm Apps, development & testing, etc.

    Thank You!

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  11. Add Trigger call for failed/unsuccessful login

    We can have a trigger that fires based on a wrong password. For examples, as an user If I enter wrong password then it should be handled using some trigger.

    I have already opened a case on mongodb support :

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  12. Sync Permission at Object / Document Level

    Please allow Read & Write Sync Permissions to be per object (aka: Document) being processed, rather than at partition-level. Thereby allowing to use '%%root' as a Function's parameter to access the Document to allow permission for read or write per request. Also the permission would carry (deep) through for nested / embedded objects & List<>s. Further, please expose (if not available via '%%root') the Schema (at minimum the "title" property to access Object type).

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    0 comments  ·  Device Sync  ·  Admin →
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  13. Allow using Relationships in Rule Expressions

    When setting up the rules for a collection, sometimes I want to configure a role so that it can only perform a given action if a related document in a different collection has a field with a certain value. To do this now, it requires creating a Realm Function that queries that other collection for the related document, then returning the document, and finally having the the rule expression call that function and evaluate the document's fields.

    While this does work, I think this could be made even easier by extending Relationships to be used in Rule Expressions. Currently, Relationships…

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  14. Headless Browser (Puppeteer)

    Most things that you can do manually in the browser can be done using Puppeteer!
    Some examples:
    Generate screenshots and PDFs of pages.
    Crawl a SPA (Single-Page Application) and generate pre-rendered content
    Automate form submission, UI testing, keyboard input, etc.

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  15. Enhanced return values

    When returning the result from a call that contains an array of ObjectIds in a JSON structure (for example: insertMany), it would be interesting to have a field in the result that contains the number of items in the list.

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  16. data api logs needs more details: origin, raw data in payload, etc

    the data api logs are pretty useless, they need to contain the complete metadata from the api call. source ip address, headers, request body payload, etc...

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  17. realm function limits should be configurable

    realm function limits should be configurable or increased, as it hinders capabilities for memory heavy tasks like encryption/decoding
    eg sha256 encryption using crypto can only perform upto 10000 iterarations while industry standards expects atleast a lakh iterations

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    0 comments  ·  Functions  ·  Admin →
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  18. Support device notification

    OS notification API via a mongo collection to improve developer UX and make mongodb the best way to pull off this difficult mission.

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  19. Support array-like ($in, $all, etc) queries in Data API

    Similar to the find() method, the Data API could support multiple (array-like) structures while querying, ex:

    dataSource: 'cluster',
    database: 'database',
    collection: 'collection',
    filter: { property: { $oid: { $in: [ObjectIDs] } } }

    directly analogous to: data.getCollection('collection').find({ property: { $in: [ObjectIDs] } })

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  20. The password field for database access accepts "@" character

    The password field for adding database access accepts "@" character but the the same if we use in the url to connect database to our application, it will give error. So instead of facing this error while connecting database to app, a simple error message or alert message while adding password should be given.

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