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Atlas CLI

The MongoDB Atlas Command Line Interface, or Atlas CLI (mongodb-atlas-cli), allows you to create, manage, and automate operations related to your MongoDB Atlas deployment. This includes tasks like provisioning clusters, creating and deleting users, and controlling network access. You can also access related products like Atlas Search. With the Atlas CLI, you can quickly interact with MongoDB services from the command line for easier testing and scripting.

You can install the Atlas CLI via, Homebrew, Apt, Yum, or a binary download. Help us improve the MongoDB Atlas CLI by posting your ideas and suggestions for improvements.

To report bugs, please use our mongodbcli github issues.

4 results found

  1. Official Docker Image for Atlas Search

    It Could be very useful test Atlas search locally using a dedicated Docker Image, so it is portable to a Kubernetes cluster

    9 votes
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  2. Ability to set maxClauseCount for cli image

    We have a query that needs to filter by a long list of ids.

    I get the error: “Query contains too many nested clauses; maxClauseCount is set to 1024”

    This error does not happen in M10+ cluster because the lucene maxClauseCount seems to be higher there.

    It would be great to be able to set the maxClauseCount of lucene with an env var so we can test this.

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  3. Ability to set mongod configuration parameters at startup

    For example, when spinning up a container in CI using mongodb-atlas-local image, be able to set ttlMonitorEnabled=false with setParameter. The current workaround – spinning up an extra thread to call mongosh --eval 'db.adminCommand({ setParameter:1, ttlMonitorEnabled: false })' some time after the service is healthy – isn't optimal.

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  4. Ability to upgrade MongoDB version for local Atlas deployment

    Add the ability for the Atlas CLI to upgrade the version of MongoDB running in a local Atlas deployment without having to do a manual migration (or creating a new container).

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Atlas CLI


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