Ops Tools
473 results found
Enablement of Ops Manager Auditing similar to MongoDB's
Hi all
We would like to enable auditing for activities in Ops Manger itself, getting the information directly using the default audit logging options (filesystem / syslog).
Currently we are getting the detailed information in OpsManager, we get some information in the audit.log log when config changes are made via Ops Manager, but not in detail what exactly had been modified in the log files.
To establish a holistic, company wide auditing spanning over all levels (OS / DB / Application) taking use of standard auditing tools this would be highly beneficial.
Regards, Roger
2 votes -
Option to clear deleted alerts
Deleted alert definitions pile up in the "deleted alerts" tab of Ops Manager.
This information may be useful for auditing purpose, but in the long run, the number of deleted alerts may grow too large. Especially in our use case, where alert configurations are deployed through a script that deletes/recreate all alerts.
Feature suggestion: add an action to clear all deleted alerts (or better: clear all deleted alerts older than N days).
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Allow informational alerts to be sent to PagerDuty
Right now informational alerts can't go to PagerDuty, OpsGenie, or VictorOps. Ideally all alert notifications should go to the same endpoint, even if those alerts are "informational" and no acknowledgement is required.
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MongoDB Operator Deployment Env Variables Push Down
This is a feature request to have custom environment variables, configured in the MongoDB Operator's Deployment manifest, push down or propagate to all resources created by the Operator.
For example, it may be desired to add environment variables with context. A more specific example could include setting a TZ timezone environment variable that is automatically added to all pod containers created by the Operator.
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mongomirror compatibility with SRV strings
It would be ideal if the mongomirror utility could accept SRV-based connection strings for the source and destination clusters. The inability to do this can cause pain for customers. For example, this does not work:
--destination "mongodb+srv://mgo-aura-dgs-prdsrv-tk-pl-0.yrmiy.mongodb.net"
So users are stuck doing this:
--destination "atlas-nkaylx-shard-0/pl-0-ap-northeast-1.yrmiy.mongodb.net:1036,pl-0-ap-northeast-1.yrmiy.mongodb.net:1037,pl-0-ap-northeast-1.yrmiy.mongodb.net:1038"
Two issues with that:
1. It's painful looking up the host/port and atlas defined replica set name
2. The destination info is unreadable by most humans. The service name (i.e. SRV record connstring) includes the name of the cluster that the customer defined, and not the random has that Atlas generates2 votes -
Create a User in a Single Cluster
When multiple clusters are added into an Ops Manager project, the only way to create a user account is to add it to all of the clusters in the project and to then add server IP Address restrictions to prevent the user from logging into servers other than the intended cluster. This would still create the user account on all of the clusters in the Ops Manager project.
Users would need a way to create a user account on a specific cluster rather than all of the clusters of the project.
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There is currently no way to use the UI to search a given hostname at a Global Level within an Ops Manager deployment.
Please provide a feature in OM so we can search globally a given HOSTNAME to know about its related Organization/Replica Set
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Feature to add the Certificate Authority file to the Ops Manager Java Trust Store via UI
Currently, Ops Manager user may require to add the CA for the TLS enabled destination such as SMTP Server, on-prem S3, Webhook Endpoint, etc directly to the Java Trust Store. Adding CA to Java Trust Store also requires to re-apply if Ops Manager Application is upgraded or re-install.
It would be best to have a feature in Ops Manager so that the user is able to upload the required CA via UI.
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Support for .xlsx via mongoimport
mongoimport allows for import of formats such as JSON,CSV or TSV.While the user can convert their excel file to .csv and import,I am thinking, though .csv maybe a more flexiable data format for data exchange than .xlsx; their maybe more flat files in .xlsx format.Allowing mongoimport to accept these formats and possibly convert it to .csv and import the data into a collection may save the users of mongoDB an additional step when working with those files.
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Properties option for a server node
Up until Ops Manager version 4.0+, we are/were able to view "Properties" of all servers/Replica sets by clicking on the ellipsis option on the each server. But will the latest versions of Ops Manager, that option is no longer available. We are often looking to quickly identify the allocated resources such as CPU/RAM on servers to help troubleshoot and deduct if we need to add more resources, so this has been a helpful feature we have used. We would very much like to see this feature option to be revived in the current versions of Ops Manager 4.2 and 4.4.4.
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Project template defaults for replica set Attributes
Our standard replica set deployments require a number of items to be set in the edit/modify area of each replica set...such as:
redactClientLogDataSince we create hundreds of replica sets the amount of time spent repeatedly setting these attributes, which are considered "default" in our shop, adds up. Having the ability to set a template of defaults per project would save a great deal of time.
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Allow to pin specific MongoDB Agent version to be used
What is the problem that needs to be solved? In some rare situations where upgrade of Cloud Manager's MongoDB Agent to the latest version leads to Golang panic (or any other critical issue) there's no way for Cloud Manager user to rollback MongoDB Agent version in case if this environment is running in Kubernetes Operator. The script which launch MongoDB Agent is using the latest version from Cloud Manager Project, without any option to change it other then editing the script itself which is not possible in Kubernetes pod.
Why is it a problem? (the pain) If after Cloud Manager's…
2 votesWe're currently planning work to avoid pulling mongod and the agent from Ops Manager. This is expected to give the ability to manually control the version of the agent in use.
Provide a UI for uploading release archives to the mongodb-releases directory
When Ops Manager is in "Local Mode", a system administrator must manually populate the mongodb-releases directory.
Please consider adding a GUI for uploading the releases over HTTP(s) from the Ops Manager admin panel. This will alleviate server access restrictions/issues, as well as provide a quick method of populating the releases from a workstation in an internet restricted environment.
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enable x509 security command
mongocli ops-manager security enable [MONGODB-CR|SCRAM-SHA-256]
add an option for x509
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We need to deploy ops manager with LDAP settings via yaml file where one of the setting "mms.ldap.bindPassword=" requires clear text password.
Is there any secure option to this?2 votes -
Disk Space Grow Rate Metric
DB Storage metric is not enough for us. We want to know the GROW RATE not the current value. We want to calculate the database used grow rate space regarding, comparing a past value with the current value. The result of the calculation can be positive (grow rate) or negative meaning database space did not grew up in that period. This is important to define tendency and trigger a disk expansion.
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Request "Send SMS Test Message" tab similar to "Admin > Control Panel > Send Test Message" for email.
This could be useful for testing SMS messages and twilio integrations.
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Repilca Set Election - Even Number of Nodes
WE have a 4 node replica set and when we removed 2 of the nodes at one time the election process didn't know how to elect a new primary. We would like the election process to accommodate an even number of replica set nodes.
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Automation web UI - Validate the TLS/SSL settings passed in the UI
It is possible to make all agents in a project fail by setting a wrong CA file value.
For example a customer set in the CA file field a directory instead of a file, and it caused Agents to stop reporting to OM.
Eg. the montioring module logged:
Error starting new module : <Monitoring Module Manager> [15:25:38.817] Error starting Monitoring module : error parsing settings:map[logFile:/var/log/mongodb-mms-automation/monitoring-agent.log maxLogFileDurationHrs:24 maxLogFileSizeBytes:1048576000 maxProcs:0 mmsApiKey:*** mmsBaseUrl:https://api-agents.mongodb.com mmsGroupId:yyyy sslTrustedServerCertificates:/opt/mongodb/db1/pki version:]
. Monitoring unable to start. Error: SSL trusted server certificates file/etc/ssl/pki
can not be read. Err: read /etc/ssl/pki: is a directory
{code}Similar errors…
2 votes -
KMIP Server Host
Ability to enter multiple values for "KMIP Server Host" under KMIP Server Configuration in the Backup Configuration page of the Ops Manager Config. This would be similar to entering multiple values for 'kmipServerName' for deployments. This would help in terms of HA for KMIP; use a secondary KMIP server if the primary were to be unavailable.
2 votes
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