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  1. Add recommended ulimit settings to the systemctl service definition

    The Ops Manager documentation recommends higher than default ulimit settings, so why not include these in the systemctl service definition?

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  2. More admin functionality for backup groom jobs

    Currently it is possible to start a groom job, however once the groom is started no additional functionality is available. It would be convenient if a groom could be paused/stopped, if required, on the admin panel.

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  3. Allow configuration of alerts (and setting customer alerts) via enterprise operator

    It would be nice to be able to configure an environments alerts directly from the Operator which will be deploying that environment.

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  4. Option to include hidden secondaries in Replica Set Alerts

    As per Replica Set Alerts documentation: "A replica set member is healthy if you run rs.status() for that replica set and the result returns PRIMARY or SECONDARY for that member. Hidden secondaries and arbiters are not counted".

    That is convenient when you take hidden secondaries down for backups but we would like include the hidden members in replica set health monitoring.

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  5. Integrating Ops manager with other enterprise tools

    Increasing foot print and creating a a smooth integration for customer environment for Mongodb by making it ready to plug and play for any enterprise. Big enterprises will have their own backup, monitoring and automation platforms. Mongodb or ops manager must provide options or may have certifies some enterprise backups or monitoring platforms where customers can seamlessly leverage existing features for backup and monitoring instead of building or testing their own things.

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  6. Restrict snapshot restore download

    IHAC who would like to be able restrict snapshot restore download links (by IP / opsman role) to prevent anyone with access to opsman server from downloading. They know about the "number of times the restore link can be used" + "restore link expiration" features but would also like this feature. Please contact me for customer details

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  7. Migration Guide for OpsManager to enterprise-operator

    It would be great to have a migration guide or documentation to help with migrating an existing OpsManager installation to the kubernetes enterprise-operator based installation.

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  8. Allow MongoDBUser CRD to interact with a MongoDB resource in a seperate namespace

    Allow MongoDBUser CRD to interact with a MongoDB resource in a separate namespace in k8s.

    The goal is to have different teams deploy their resources (including applications, configmaps, secrets, PVCs, MongoDBUser CRDs etc) into their seperate namespaces, but have all of them share a single MongoDB replicaset in a common namespace such as mongodb

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  9. 2 votes

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  10. Improvement of Restore Process in Ops Manager

    Presently Ops manager restore process removes all the data from the target MongoDb deployment and then restores from the user selected Snapshot and subsequently applies the PIT restore.

    It is noted that time taken by the restore operations increases as and when the DB size increases. The restore operation would also require the Applications to be shutdown and this would lead to increase in Application downtime during the restore process.

    In order to minimize the downtime we need to reduce the restore time.

    One suggestion to reduce the restore time is to perform automated restore from the latest available snapshots…

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  11. Combine Support Portal Mailing Lists when opening cases

    Combine different Mailing Lists in the Support Portal, when opening a case. Right now you can use only one Mailing List per case. When opening cases it would be good to choose to send updates to 2 or more mailing lists depending on the audience required. So rather than creating a new mailing list for every possible combination of recipients, choosing more than one mailing list per case, would enable the right people to get updates and reduce the noise for others. E.g. Operations + Project A Mailing list if it only concerns that one project, and Operations + Project…

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  12. System Statistics without Automation

    Currently it is required to enable automation on a cluster in order to monitor system level statistics such as CPU.

    As automation is sometimes not desired for a cluster, please add the ability to gather system level metrics when a cluster is monitored only.

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  13. Ability to migrate from Ops Manager to Cloud Manager

    Clearly users of Ops Manager use it because they have a requirement, keep MongoDB clusters within their own infrastructure.

    Well, we have two solutions for that Ops Manager and also Cloud Manager. I personally think if we have automation in the product to move from the Ops Manager control plane to the Cloud Manager control plane it would make it easier for users to take advantage of MongoDB's backup infrastructure and keep updates coming without the hassle of managing it all by themselves.

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  14. Ops Manager global actions (mongocli ops-manager admin)

    Add cli commands in global scope of Ops Manager to allow for scripting actions on all projects (e.g. update all agents after an upgrade of Ops Manager):
    - CRUD projects (prio on get projects to allow for looping over them)
    - CRUD orgs
    - CRUD users
    - global config managemant
    - global alert management

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  15. list who is connected to a cluster


    On a sharded instance, I try to identify the connected physical people.
    It is not easy. I cannot identify my own connection. 😦

    Can we have a command to find out who is connected to the platform (excluding host2host connections, backup process, ...)?

    The closest command but not complete and friendly :
    use config
    DBQuery.shellBatchSize = 300
    db.system.sessions.aggregate( [ { $listSessions: { allUsers: true } },
    { $project: { _id: 0, "user":"$" } } ,
    { $group : { _id: {"user": "$user" }, count: { $sum: 1 } } },



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  16. Add ability to create user credentials in different namespace then mongo cluster

    As the title states. I am creating my mongo cluster in a different namespace then my application, however because k8s does not allow sharing secrets between namespaces it is impossible to access the credentials.

    I suggest adding a namespace field inside of the users definition to allow the creation of the secret in another namespace.

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  17. Provide AWS CloudFormation template starter

    It would make things easier for our users if they had at least a starter/example AWS CloudFormation template to use for provisioning AWS resources required for an Ops Manager deployment.

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  18. MongoDB kubernetes operator - follow recommended kubernetes object labeling -

    Hi, i would like to thank you first for this operator, good job 👍 . It works well.

    Did you consider using this label convention for objects (statefulset, svc, secrets)

    Currently in my cluster Im trying to follow these recommended labels for objects while Im forwarding kubernetes logs using EFK but cannot store log to elasticsearch because there is object mapping for field as object not a concrete value. Right now there is hard-coded service selector which expects pods to be labeled with app=<serviceName>

    Example labels following conventions for statefulset:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: StatefulSet
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  19. Automation - Monitor ulimit parameters for mongo processes

    MongoDB will abort if ulimit parameters are set too low. We should monitor parameters such as "open files" and add an alert for when the value approaches the ulimit configuration.

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  20. Dashboard in ops manager

    Can we have add dashboard feature in ops mgr which can give consolidated metrics of all RS.

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