mongomirror compatibility with SRV strings
It would be ideal if the mongomirror utility could accept SRV-based connection strings for the source and destination clusters. The inability to do this can cause pain for customers. For example, this does not work:
--destination "mongodb+srv://"
So users are stuck doing this:
--destination "atlas-nkaylx-shard-0/,,"
Two issues with that:
1. It's painful looking up the host/port and atlas defined replica set name
2. The destination info is unreadable by most humans. The service name (i.e. SRV record connstring) includes the name of the cluster that the customer defined, and not the random has that Atlas generates

Kyle commented
Using a service record to be consistent with the desired connection string path that Atlas is focusing on everywhere else within the mongomirror call would be ideal. The 2 factors above are also valid for sure.