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  1. Add milliseconds to Ops Manager access logs

    The current logback-access.xml file only logs with second grainularity, which isn't great when trying to correlate HTTP events with other log events.

    I propose changing this line:

    <pattern>%h %l %u [%t] "%X{requestUrl}" %s %b "%i{Referer}" "%i{User-Agent}"

    To this:

    <pattern>%h %l %u [%date{"dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss.SSS Z"}] "%X{requestUrl}" %s %b "%i{Referer}" "%i{User-Agent}"

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  2. The Ops Manager UI provide an option to trigger election (stepDown)

    Have the option to perform primary stepDown from Ops Manager UI to trigger election

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  3. “Content-Security-Policy” header


    We want to add the “Content-Security-Policy” header to the OpsManager/MongoDB answers to increase the security level:

    frame-ancestors 'none' (Do not render in frames)
    script-src 'self': only loads scripts originating on the site (subdomains excluded)
    default-src 'none': recommended for services returning HTML.
    Could you please tell us how to set up these elements ?

    Thank you in advance for your support.


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  4. 1 vote

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  5. More admin functionality for backup groom jobs

    Currently it is possible to start a groom job, however once the groom is started no additional functionality is available. It would be convenient if a groom could be paused/stopped, if required, on the admin panel.

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  6. Option to include hidden secondaries in Replica Set Alerts

    As per Replica Set Alerts documentation: "A replica set member is healthy if you run rs.status() for that replica set and the result returns PRIMARY or SECONDARY for that member. Hidden secondaries and arbiters are not counted".

    That is convenient when you take hidden secondaries down for backups but we would like include the hidden members in replica set health monitoring.

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  7. Restrict snapshot restore download

    IHAC who would like to be able restrict snapshot restore download links (by IP / opsman role) to prevent anyone with access to opsman server from downloading. They know about the "number of times the restore link can be used" + "restore link expiration" features but would also like this feature. Please contact me for customer details

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  8. Support Cloudian S3 in OpsManager

    OpsManager currently supports the S3 implementations of AWS, IBM Cloud and Dell EMC Elastic Cloud Storage. We would like to use our existing Cloudian S3 storage. We've used it for a while now and it works, but we suggest making this an "officially supported" flavor, too.

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  9. In Ops Mgr, provision to create users by deployment rather than by project

    Under a project, Now if a user id created, it gets created in all deployments in the projects. Can we have provision to choose which deployment the user gets created.

    For example, for project A, we have three deployments rs1, rs2 & rs3. Now under security tab, if we add a users, this user get access to all deployment. can we have a choice which all deployment the user exist.

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  10. rename action for backup daemon "delete daemon" to "deactivate daemon"

    when you press link "delete daemon" on Admin->Backup->Daemons page it "deletes" daemon from this page, but after mongodb-mms.service gets restarted, this daemon comes up again. this link does not delete daemon - it actually deactivate backup daemon. another part for deactivation of daemon is to modify settings for service mongodb-mms to start only mms application without daemon.

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  11. trigger a queryable Backup Snapshot restore via Ops Manager public API

    We would like to periodically provision queryable snapshots on a programmatic basis (aka Ops Manager public API call) to easily get a consistent dump of sharded clusters in order to put those dumps in a "very safe location". We want to use this as part of a last resort backup strategy. The idea is that a dump is much easier to be restored by a "last resort restore app" compared to the http-downloaded plain data files.

    One other option to extract the contents of a sharded cluster would be to use "Long Running Queries" but this cannot be used along…

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  12. Deploy Changes without restarting mongod/mongos instance immediately.

    Whenever we want to make changes, eg. set a new parameter or add new parameter in configuration (advance configuration options), after we save changes, review and deploy, automation immediately starts applying that change and does a rolling restart.
    We need flexibility in restart, means one should have an option to perform immediate rolling restart or defer it to later time. We may apply multiple changes at different times and set one preferred window to restart instance instead of doing multiple restarts.

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  13. Multiple webhook URLs

    At the moment only one webhook URL can be configured for one Ops Manager project.
    It would be nice if multiple URLs could be used to send the alert to different endpoints by using f.e. a delimiter character inside the config.
    Thanks and regards

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  14. Ops Manager to be able to do archiving of Data to a different replica set than you Prod replica set.

    To be able to set up Archiving in Ops Manager so you would be able to keep a certain amount of data in Prod and move the rest of to an Archiving replica set.

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  15. Allow MongoDBUser CRD to interact with a MongoDB resource in a seperate namespace

    Allow MongoDBUser CRD to interact with a MongoDB resource in a separate namespace in k8s.

    The goal is to have different teams deploy their resources (including applications, configmaps, secrets, PVCs, MongoDBUser CRDs etc) into their seperate namespaces, but have all of them share a single MongoDB replicaset in a common namespace such as mongodb

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  16. Do not start backups for Sharded clusters unless all requirements are met

    With FCV > 4.2, Backups requires the backup module to be activated on at least one member per shard for sharded clusters but it also doesn't stop one from starting backups if the backup module is activated only on one member of the entire sharded cluster, for example, activating the backup module on a single member of the config server replica set and not on any member of the shards allow for one to start backups.

    Currently, if backups are enabled and at least one of the Replica sets in the Cluster has a backup module, backups will start for…

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  17. Allow Regexp, or other solution, to look for groups in "SAML Group Member Attribute" field

    The Ops Manager authentification process through SAML requires that the user's groups are specified in a dedicated SAML attribute sent by the IDP, so the user can connect to Ops Manager.

    For this need, our IDP can only provide a field that contains free text. This field can contain many information, and can include special characters. We can add the Ops Manager groups in this field, among the existing text information.

    However we need Ops Manager to parse this free field and get the groups information, which is not possible for now.

    That's why we would like the implementation of…

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  18. Present MongoDB clients metadata on Ops Manager UI

    Before MongoDB version upgrades we should verify all drivers compatibility for the new version.

    It is sometimes difficult to track all of the drivers used connecting to the deployments. Currently it requires parsing of multiple mongos/mongod logs for client connections or internal code investigations.


    It may be beneficial to collect and present clients statistics (version, type, IP) data on Ops Manager.

    Maybe this could be a feature that can be toggled on demand.

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  19. Ops Manager to support Credentials Cache to connect to APP DB

    Ops Manager to support Credentials Cache to connect to APP DB
    Its related to case opened : Case: 00881812

    Also change alerting ( Email Subject )

    Currently we get alert with email subject as below even if issue is resolved
    System Alert - Backing Database Connection is Unhealthy

    We Should change alert email subject to Say "Healthy " instead of "Unhealthy " when issue is resolved.

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  20. Include full date/time stamps to OpsManager's logfiles: mms0-startup.log and daemon-startup.log

    Currently records in mms0-startup.log and daemon-startup.log only have time stamp in the format: hour:min:sec,milliseconds.
    eg. 08:28:09,558 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Could NOT find resource [logback-test.xml]

    It would be useful to include the full date/time stamps to each record as currently we can't say to which day do the records refer to.

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