Add mongo shell to Compass
It would be nice to include the mongo shell within Compass.
This feature is available in Compass 1.22 Beta.
Shamsheer Muhammed commented
Like other mongo utility provide the in-build shell
Felicia commented
The mongo shell within Compass has been released as of Compass 1.22.1. Check it out at
It is not giving me suggestion for update opertators. Can I get the appropriate operators suggesition when typing? That would be nice.
FISPAN commented
I was so happy when I saw Compass and wanted to ditch Robo 3T but then this! This is totally a must-have feature!
Amit commented
Unbelievable that it's not a core feature in the application. It already exists in Robo 3T, and it's not even the official developer of MongoDB's application...
Greg commented
This should be the top request for a feature. This is the main reason I'd rather use Robo 3T.
Justin Chase commented
I cannot believe this is not in the MVP of this product... and only has 5 votes here. This is a must.
Adriano commented
This would be a foundational feature to the product. currently it's not possible to run pre-built queries that we had created through the mongo shell