460 results found
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Render Visual Explain Plan for Any Explain Output
I would like to drag the output of an explain plan into the Compass Explain tab and have the visual representation of it shown.
- User can drag a file that the the output of an explain plan onto the explain tab and see the visual representation of it.
- User can paste via CTRL/CMD+V the same output from the clipboard and see the visual representation of it.
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1 vote
Check if port is blocked by firewall
One of the first things students of the MongoDB who have issues connecting to Atlas with Compass are asked to do, is to ensure port 27017 is not blocked by their firewall.
The student is asked to navigate to:
It would be nice for Compass to integrate a similar check to guide the user a little more when they experience a connection issue.
1 vote -
Display GeoJSON types other than points in Schema Map view
I have a data set which contains both GeoJSON polygons and GeoJSON LinesStrings. It would be really useful to be able to see these rendered in the map view in the Schema tab.
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13 votes
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Global setting to expand nested objects/arrays in CRUD view
I would like to have a global setting to automatically expand objects and arrays in the CRUD plugin.
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Network message compressor support
I've got MongoDB 4.2 Community server which is configured with net.compression.compressors: "zstd,snappy,zlib" but after inspecting the output of db.serverStatus(), it seems MongoDB Compass is not using any compressor.
It'd be nice to support compression and actually allow users to configure preferred compressors like Mongo Shell does.
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3 votes
Share aggregation pipelines across clusters/namespaces and with other people
Aggregations can be saved in Compass but they are only accessible in the Aggregation Builder for the specific cluster and namespace. It would be good to be able to reuse pipelines across different clusters and namespaces (e.g. I build it against my staging database but then I want to also test it in prod).
It would also be great to have a way to share a library of pipelines with the rest of the team. In the ideal scenario, pipelines would be versioned and multiple people would be able to contribute to a shared library of pipelines.
24 votesWith the new My Queries screen we introduced in Compass 1.31 it's possible to see and search for all queries and aggregations in one place and if the namespace they were originally built against is not available in the current cluster, it's possible to apply them to a different namespace.
Sharing with other people is not possible yet but from the My Queries screen it's possible to copy a pipeline in one click.
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