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- How you think this will help
- Why this matters to you
151 results found
atlas terrafrom mongodbatlas_encryption_at_rest
It would be great to have secrets as sensitive fields in the "mongodbatlasencryptionatrest" terraform resource such as client secrets, secretaccess_key, etc. Otherwise they show as plain text in the console/stdout. I understand they will still be stored in the state file, but at least they are removed from logs.
3 votesAll of the sensitive fields should now be marked as such in the code base for the provider. If any others are found please file an issue at: you!
Yearly backup option is required
We are planning to take backup yearly , but as of now available max monthly backup. If i want to take yearly backup need to take 12 months for single year which expensive , as per our audit team need 20 years back up retention then it is required 12X20 = 240 backups which is very expensive. If yearly backup is available only 20X1 = 20 only.
As of now only available below options:
MonthlyRaised case also in our support portal: 01198437
2 votesHi! We added the yearly snapshot policy option earlier this year. If you do not see it in your backup policy table under the Backup tab of your cluster's Backup page, click the "+ Add Frequency Unit" button and select "Yearly Snapshot" from the dropdown. Thank you for submitting your feedback to the team!
Shared Clusters upgrade to MongoDB 6.0+
Currently MongoDB 6.0.1 is only available in dedicated clusters (M10+) and in serverless clusters.
We need to use MongoDB 6.0.1 or higher in the shared cluster (M0/M2/M5).
I understand that this should be in the roadmap anyway, but getting it sooner than later would be great.
2 votes -
To not to delete the most recent backup when the DB is deleted
After a cluster is terminated in MongoDB Atlas, the backups disappear with it. It will be good to preserve the most recent backup of this database. Otherwise, there is no point to have backup if the DB cannot be recover after accidental delete
2 votes -
Configure --jsonFormat=canonical flag in export policy.
JSON does not support all data types that are available in BSON. This means that when using JSON there will be a so called "loss of fidelity" of the information.
However, using the --jsonFormat=canonical flag in a mongoexport command will preserve all available BSON data types, so the "loss of fidelity" issue can be completely avoided.Now we plan to export our cloud backups to an AWS S3 bucket. To do this, we would like to set up an export policy to automatically export the snapshots. We could already do this via the API. However, the data is output in…
2 votes -
Disable data explorer and other features in project settings
The following features cannot be disabled in the terraform provider (project settings):
Real Time Performance Panel
Data Explorer
Performance Advisor and Profiler
Schema Advisor2 votesThe project settings can now be set via the project resource in the provider. Thank you!
Disable Specific API's
For certain API's, like the ability to Delete a backup, have the ability for an Owner to disable this API call entirely, to prevent bad actors from being able to destroy a system or even a good actor from unintentionally destroying a system. If a customer has a policy that no backups shall be deleted ever, have the ability to disable this API across the board.
2 votesHello,
I am pleased to announce that we have released our backup feature called Backup Compliance Policy, that protects your backups from being deleted by any user, ensuring WORM and full immutability (can not be edited/modified or deleted) for backups automatically in Atlas. This applies to any method of deleting backups, regardless of wheter it is through the UI or the API.
Backup Compliance Policy allows organizations to configure a project-level policy to prevent the deletion of backups before a predefined period, guarantee all clusters have backup enabled, ensure that all clusters have a minimum backup retention and schedule policy in place, and more.
With these controls, you can more easily satisfy data protection requirements (e.g., AppJ, DORA, immutable / WORM backups, etc.) without the need for manual processes.
Please note that the Backup Compliance Policy can not be disabled without MongoDB support once enabled so please make sure…
Allow Management of Identity Providers through Terraform
The necessary API endpoints appear to exist, it would be great to expose them in the Terraform provider for Atlas to avoid having a split between Infrastructure-as-Code and having to browse the web interface.
2 votesThis is now out in version 1.4.2
AWS CFN MongoDB::Atlas::<> in all AWS regions
Please publish the MongoDB::Atlas::<> resources types into all AWS regions (currently only in us-east-1).
Some of us have restrictions in place that deny the direct use of us-east-1.
Thanks,2 votes -
Ability to create GovCloud projects
Need ability to "Designate as a Gov Cloud regions-only project" when creating projects in order to allow subsequently creating clusters in Gov Cloud regions
2 votes -
Create Snapshot Export Bucket using Terraform
Create Snapshot Export Bucket using Terraform- required to export Snapshots to S3.
Implement the following API call by the provider:
POST /groups/{GROUP-ID}/backup/exportBuckets
2 votesThis feature is now available in version 1.3.0 of the provider.
Add CFN resource to manage PrivateLink endpoints
As per the title, add a new CFN resource
to manage PrivateLink interfaces into Atlas, based on votes -
Support the regions parameter of a network peering container
In the API documentation you mention a regions parameter usable when creating a network container with a network smaller than /18. In terraform there is no such parameter. I would like to see that supported (for creating networks smaller than /18 on GCP).
2 votesThis work is completed and in v0.9.0 of the provider.
Show all team users on one page
When we do SOC2 reviews, we have to take screenshots of the permissions various users have. Currently, a specific "team" in Atlas only shows 5 users at a time and is paginated. Taking screenshots of 5 users at a time is pretty tedious, so it would be amazing to have a page with the full list.
2 votes -
Change Azure snapshot backups from LRS to GRS
Sorry but this is a must. GRS is a 2 region datacenter backup, LRS only 1. Fire or disaster will take out everything if LRS is used.
2 votesHello,
We recently released a feature that we call Snapshot Distribution which allows any Atlas user to copy their backups into additional cloud provider regions that are supported in Atlas.
This allows you to store the backups in whatever region you prefer automatically. In the event of a disaster in a cloud provider region, Atlas will intelligently use a backup copy in an additional region for a restore.
You can read more about this in this blog, , and our docs, .
In much the same way that Amazon RDS has a public/private setting, could you add a setting to Atlas that lets us make the DNS entries for our cluster resolve to their private IPs all the time instead of just inside a VPC?
This would improve security by routing our connection through a VPN into a VPC that has a peering connection with Atlas' VPC. To accomplish this now, one must to find the private IPs of a cluster and create local, manual DNS entries in a router or on a machine.
2 votes -
Add Atlas instance in Azure Norway
We host data that is preferred to reside in Norway. Do you have plans to expand to the newly added Azure Norway data center?
2 votes -
Add support for name as argument for the team data sources
Currently, there is a datasource for team, but it requires an ID as argument.
There are available APIs with look ups by ID but also by name.
Can we support the data source look up by name as well? That would be interesting as could avoid knowing the ID of the project or team and look up that ID via name.Thanks.
(Note Admin edit -> as project missing name as an argument was a regression that is corrected in v0.4.1. However team is still up for later consideration for name expansion so leaving for feedback.)
2 votesThank you all for the feedback!
Completed via PR, in 0.6.2 and greater. Note a small bug is being corrected via and will be included in the next release.
Allow creation of API Keys and their Whitelists via Terraform
Currently it is not possible to create an Organization API Key via terraform and manage its IP Whitelist. This would be a very useful feature for large organizations:
2 votesWhile this was not added to Terraform, support now exists for MongoDB Atlas Programmatic API key generation within Vault, which due to the sensitive nature of API keys this seemed a better fit for the functionality.
HashiCorp Vault 1.4 – -
Allow Restore of Cloud Backup across Organizations
Current restore functionality limits restoring backups to clusters in the same Atlas Organization. Allowing restores across Organizations would allow for more flexibility.
1 voteHi,
This is already currently possible within the Atlas UI. We've called this out more explicitly in our documentation here:
- Don't see your idea?