66 results found
Re-zero bar chart after clicking legend item on stacked bar chart
Being able to highlight an individual series by clicking on its name in the legend great! Having an option to allow it to display as an ordinary bar chart so the relative heights within that series can be compared would be even better.
3 votes -
Optional Aggregation
Most chart types rely on aggregation due to the nature of MongoDB datasets. Sometimes I have simple datasets where I want to set a field not as an aggregation but as the value of a field. Yes, we could use spreadsheets to achieve this, but its nice having all the charts in one interface
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Support Rendering GeoJSON on a Map
I have GeoJSON in my collection that is storing trip data as GeoJSON LineStrings for each trip and I simply want to render the trips on a map. Basically having Charts just draw the lines for each trip. Nice to have would be defining attributes to name them and color code them. I would expect this to apply to all GeoJSON types available.
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Chart element counts
Charts should allow us to access the number of categories in a chart (e.g. number of bars, number of series/legend items). In this way we will have information to further customize the rendering, on the fly, via SDK if need be.
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Axis custom styling
It'd be great to be able to change the font size, color, and also the orientation of the labels.
Setting a maximum and minimum font size would be awesome.3 votes -
User Defined Choropleth
Choropleths are limited to predefined regions right now. There should be a way to define your own geographic regions to fit the needs of your business.
EG. Pacific NW may be Alaska, Washington, Oregon for one company, and include Idaho for another company. Or to define neighborhoods in a city.
3 votes -
Percentile Chart / Cumulative-Distribution-Function
Often times just looking at just the average or min/max of the data might be misleading and understanding the distribution of the data is as important as the aggregated value itself. The Percentile Chart is useful for such scenarios as it helps to see the shape of the distribution, such as how big the tail is at either end, along with the value.
My proposal is to integrate a percentile chart similar to what you find here : for the great work, I realy like mongo charts, keep going!
3 votes -
Table Chart > Show Totals > Show Avg > Show Max > etc....
Allow the "summary" row to show EITHER Totals, Or Average, Or MAX, OR etc....
Take a look at any Excel pivot table to see how this functionality is implemented
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Last data point or last line segment to the point be rendered differently
Hi Avinash/Tom (and team),
Is it possible to have the last data point in a series be dotted or the line to that data point be dotted or some differing visual gestalt?
Specifically, we have a time series rendering of our BU data and north star metrics in Charts at, I'd guess this is like a lot of dashboards for companies/customers.
What we want to do for say the current month's data is have the line or the point be rendered differently whether dashed or shape or whatever to illustrate that that month's (or quarter or current year)…
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Custom Sort Heatmap Axis
The user has no control over the sort of the heatmap axis. It would be nice to have the option to sort hours of the day e.g. that it is ascending from bottom to top instead of the default.
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Resample based on zoom level for a chart
I understand why you have a limit on geo scatter (it would be nice if it is more than 1,000) but the bigger need is to return the data based on the zoom level. For example in our use case we have over 1,000,000 geo tagged points in a region. When you zoom in to a neighborhood there will be 500-600. The request is to get all those data points when zoomed in so we have a complete view vs. random sample.
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Title of each chart with Tooltip option
Hover over title option with Tooltip that displays help text instead of subtitle description which takes up too much space.
For Dashboards, Tooltip feature is especially convenient to allow end users to understand how the metric is calculated with a dynamic popover that displays on hover
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Dears, thanks for you effort to dev mongodb, I would like to suggest a Table UI like:
datatables.netwith this we can dev so quick the admin backed of our applications, like for example a quick list of customers, etc... and edit.
Best regards.
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We use the chart type grid to show 24 hours days and day of week. The day of week only shows in Engllish and we can't setup the first day of week.
We need spanish translate and the week starts on monday.
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Add an option for a "moving averages" trendline to scatter splots
I have data that doesn't follow a linear or polynominal shape and is more cyclical. I'd like to have another trend line type called "moving average" that plots the average of a window of data.
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Moving Bubble charts
I'd like to see the ability within MongoDB charts to have moving bubble charts as my data is updated. Similar to
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regex on filters
in the filters section in charts, filter string using regex
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Average (trend) lines for a data series
I have many charts with series where the y-axis values (Revenue $$) bounce up and down along the x-axis (Date). At times, it's difficult to tell if the values are trending up or down. It would be nice to be able to configure a trendline that shows an average.
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Add error bars to bar/line charts
I have a dataset containing measurements, along with errors - e.g.
value: 187.12,
error: 12.51
}It would be quite useful to be able to plot the error values on a line chart so that we can see the uncertainty as well as the measured value.
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Allow colours to be defined by y-axis value range
Allow colours to be defined by y-axis value, rather than trying to reverse engineer into chart series (since the lines don't draw properly, as per pic). The one temperature line should be able to be shown as , eg, blue when too cold, orange when too warm, green 'just right'
2 votes
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