Last data point or last line segment to the point be rendered differently
Hi Avinash/Tom (and team),
Is it possible to have the last data point in a series be dotted or the line to that data point be dotted or some differing visual gestalt?
Specifically, we have a time series rendering of our BU data and north star metrics in Charts at, I'd guess this is like a lot of dashboards for companies/customers.
What we want to do for say the current month's data is have the line or the point be rendered differently whether dashed or shape or whatever to illustrate that that month's (or quarter or current year) isn't complete and still being gathered/in-flight?
I've attached a quick annotated screenshot of our users and page view metrics to give you an idea of what I mean. These are for Uni but I think the same kind of dashboard is likely used in many BUs and by many customers.