Increased Authentication Visibility and Better Customization
Having a fully managed authentication through Realm has been great, it continues to save a lot of time developing authentication and security protocols. With that said, as my application's admin I feel like my visibility into authentication is sparse. I can not help my users when they run into issues and am concerned as our application continues to grow. My request is for more visibility into authentication, including, but not limited to the following...
- Last Login Date: Ability to run queries on this field in order to generate daily, weekly, and monthly user metrics, most importantly the number of logins in order to track growth, retention, etc. We would also like to be able to run similar queries on Created Date and Providers. We can download 3rd party packages to try to manage this but the data is already here.
- New Account (email and others): More visibility in terms of when a new user signs up and how long it takes MongoDB to send an email to a new user for sign up. We continually get feedback that the email randomly takes too long to send and have no way of managing or knowing the scope of this. The same goes for forgotten passwords. Similar to the first comment we want to be able to generate some sort of reports to understand this better ** We know that you can look at Logs but they are sparse and we are uncertain what the runtime is actually telling us **
- Email Customization: Our users expect our email/forgotten password emails to be professional and the template we are sending currently does not allow customization. This leads to mistrust (receiving an email from MongoDB vs. our company). We are concerned it impacts growth. The image I have attached for password reset is what our users receive.
Jason Tulloch
shared this idea