Mongo replicaset init sync issue
Ability to hide a chart title and release the space it occupies · completed
Create databases and collections via API thorough Terraform · under review
Add Tailscale peering
Simple Way to Log Out a User From All Browser Tabs
Backup Cost Estimator
Cascading delete for DBRefs
reencrypt existing snapshot with new kmip key
Switching Chart Type should not erase existing settings · planned
Disk metric - log drive
Customize MongoDB Charts - Chart font
Kafka source connector once only semantics
Opt out from support per case emails
Tuning of Performance Advisor
JWT Authentication · completed
Display collection name and namespace on separate lines
Add a monitoring that always shows the current primary
Enable setting the security.redactClientLogData parameter.
Lower Roles Should be able to access RealTime Performance Panel
Ability to Bin Dates by Week on Charts · completed