Show BI Connector resource use Metrics
Establish communication between the app and the Project Clusters over a Peer-To-Peer network rather than the internet
Add Date support to pymongoarrow
Changes in the objectID which is unique.1
Atlas SQL - Provide 32-bit ODBC Driver
Performance Advisor should allow open each section indivirual
Support optional fallback to source cluster after cutover in Live Migration
Nearest read preference should take account of database load
Charts Click-event exposed in Atlas Charts UI
Bundle rest service together DB
_id field listed first
Reactive document opened by ID for editing
Create location key in all documents for sharding in data explorer for Global Writes
k8s operator - Support different different size shard configuration · completed
Add Switzerland Regions · completed
Please make it possible to deploy instances to AWS local zones
Optimizing ERP Insights with MongoDB Charts
multiple centersphere as a geometry for geowithin
Make upsert or drop on import document