Atlas App Services
240 results found
Allow upload of large files through Realm Functions
Right now we have a 30s input timeout on Realm Functions. We can't upload large files.
Users in my case uploads large images of 20Mbs, and videos ~50Mb.
Would be great to see this change, right now we are unable to use Realm for that.
Also, AWS S3 service has a 4MB limitation as noted here, but not sure, I was able to upload a 7.8MB file
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Ways to pause a Realm App
It would be awesome, if there was a way pause a Realm App via functions.
Currently we are pausing our cluster every night using a trigger. However that causes all our Realm apps' sync and triggers to crash, so I have to manually restart each of them every morning.
It would be awesome if I could pause/unpause a Realm App from a function. Something like this, maybe:[app-id]).pause()[app-id]).unpause()
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user object documentation
The documentation for user object (as many other parts) seems incomplete and doesn't provide enough information about the possible responses you can get from the API and the SDK.
Please provide documentation for the user object which includes the built-in authentication providers.
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Logout trigger
There's a trigger for login, but there isn't one for logout (as far as I can tell). I would like a trigger on logout as well to perform cleanup of any of the side effects from the login trigger.
This request is really a result of a separate request that is more important ( but if there was a trigger for both login and logout it would tie me over until then.
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Decode user token
Using Realm as an authentication service and a separate backend that then allows the user to connect to separate external APIs, I need to be able to verify that the user is an authenticated user and that their data (only email in this case) match those of the third party external API.
The request to the third party API runs via admin API channels so it's critical to ensure the user is only able to manipulate their own data (orders, subscriptions etc).
As far as I've been told there is no way to verify a user that logged into my…
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Remove Realm API retrieval limit
Remove the 50 item limit on calls to the Realm API.
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Schema Definition/Validation: Descriptive Errors
It would be nice to have a more descriptive error similar to the way Joi works when an insert fails due to schema definition. An error that points to the offending section of the schema.
It's hard to debug with the current "insert not permitted" error.
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Import app with Realm UI
You can export the realm app using the Realm UI, but you cannot import it.
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Provide support for Paypal Node SDK
I just would like to have added support for the PayPal-node-SDK module. Currently when you try to use it as a dependency it results in an error.
The repo is located here:
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When creating a free cluster to evaluate realm-ui and sync please warn that 4.4 or higher mongo is required.
Now i found out when getting started that i have a cluster with 4.2.1 and cannot use the task tracker app sync.1 vote -
Add Subscription Payments for charging Customers/Users in MongoDB Realm Cloud
MongoDB Realm is perfect for SaaS products but the hard part is always implementing recurring billing for customers, we would need to write and implement a system like this ourself and maintain it which costs time and money or use third party services like Chargebee or Recurly. Firebase already has a nice extension market where you can install the Stripe extension and you are ready to go and charge your Customers monthly, I would like to see the same in MongoDB Realm with Stripe & PayPal & maybe more, best would be as an official product of the MongoDB product…
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Allow more Realm data source read preferences
Need to be able to specify custom read preferences (e.g. tags) for Realm data sources, as I may want to segregate the load from my Realm apps with other operational load.
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Compare Strings and ObjectIds in JSON Expressions
We have a use-case where we need to compare an ObjectId on a document to the ObjectId of the user's custom data doc. However, because the ID of the user's custom data object is returned as a string and not as an ObjectId, there is no way to make this comparison without creating a function just to compare the ObjectId and the string. The overhead of invoking a function just to call toString on the ObjectId is going to be a major problem, especially because we need to make this comparison 5 times for every single operation on our most…
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Ability to query datalake / online archive
The new online archive is awesome.
What would be even better is if we could query the data it moves to S3 as part of our stitch/realm functions.
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Disable Realm
It would be great to be able to disable a realm without deleting it. Currently, this is possible by unlinking the cluster or exporting the realm and deleting it. Both of which create more work when firing it back up.
It would also be amazing to be able to tie that in with billing alerts. Say I would rather my app crash than pay more than a certain amount because of Realm usage.
In essence, I'm asking for an "always free" Realm that just disables itself when the free tier has been hit so that I can be 100% certain…
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Availability of Args in Function Context
Not sure if this is do-able already or not. Couldn't find documentation.
I have a function that looks like
exports = function(dbName, collectionName, pipeline){...
I want to be able to access the arguments sent to the function in the Can Evaluate JSON expression.
I assumed it might work like
"%%args.dbName": "eflex-test"
}but that doesn't seem to work
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Access to %%args in Filters
Allow the access to %%args in filters. This would make it possible to make the apply_when of filters more dynamic by accessing the incoming queries. As of now, filters are completely static due not having access to any incoming information.
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Broader Push Notification Support
I've moved from Firebase because of the lack of support for React-Native and I've just discovered that I need to use Firebase to receive Push Notifications from my App. I'm aware of the complexity of adding this layer to SDKs, but you're already much ahead of Firebase in terms of SDK maintenance and support, being able to make a full app's stack would be wonderful for many, I think.
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RDBMS Connectors
Make the previously available data connectors available for Realm’s data adapter to sync data from the Realm Object Server to a Microsoft SQL Server and vice versa.
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Human readable URLs in UI
Currently, the app urls are extremely long and unreadable, for example:
This looks pretty ugly. It would be a lot more user friendly to:
- eliminate the /groups/<groupID>/ portion of the URL entirely - the app ID already uniquely identifies the group anyway
- use the clientAppID instead of the raw objectID for /apps/<appID>.
For example, the above URL could instead be represented as
with no loss of functionality or precision0 votes
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