Increase RealmReturn Body Max Size
The maximum return body size of a realm webhook is 4MiB (4194304 bytes). That might seem enough for most applications but when dealing with massive amounts of data, e.g. timeseries data over years, that is a hard limitation.
It requires the client to make many more requests that would be necessary.
In our special case we want to return one whole year worth of data per request to make things easier for our clients (currently they can get 3 months).
Given a 16MB Limit on a MongoDB Collection Document, this would seem like a sensable option for a limit if there has to be one at all.
The argument, that GraphQL can be used without a limit is not a good one as this is a different means of communication with the API. We are using REST for a reason.
Switching does not only mean work on our part but also on the clients part.
The feature requested here in short:
Increase the maximum return body size from 4MiB to at least 16MB to allow for large payloads to be sent. The argument for that, is that the maximum document size is also 16MB.

Hi Marc – We have a ticket for this that’s near the top of the backlog and plan to increase the limit to 16MB in the near future.
Marc commented
Hi Drew,
is there any news on this?
Marc commented
Hi Drew,
this is great news! Is there a rough estimate on when we can expect to see this feature? We are currently discussing rewriting our entire API to accomodate for the limitation. We would of couse love to not do this.