Custom GraphQL Schema for MongoDB Realm
Dear MongoDb GraphQl Stitch developers,
Is it possible to add an ability to modify the final GraphQl schema (in order to remove unnecessary for my API stuff)
Build it based on existed roles?
For example, Im building a "read only" GraphQl API and have NO roles that can actually modify the data. So I find it illogically to have mutations in the Final GraphQl schema.
It would be great to have an ability to choose which exactly mutations/queries I need for my GraphQl.
Thank you.
Hi all,
We recently announced that we have decided to deprecate the Atlas GraphQL API, and current users should’ve received an email explaining the details of the deprecation and end-of-life plan. Consequently, we will not be adding new features going forward and are updating the status for all related feedback accordingly.
Please read our announcement in the MongoDB Developer Center for more details and guidance on the migration process and timeline. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to our support team via the MongoDB Support Portal.
We truly prioritize your satisfaction and success, and we thank you for your patience and the feedback you have provided us over the years.
Ian commented
Not being able to create or customise the GraphQL schema currently prevents implementing some handling such as being able to declare a Union of types. E.g.
union Media = Book | Movie
It also means we can't make small edits without having to first write a JSON schema somewhere (for input types, payload types, or data types).
In addition it generally makes for a very unnecessarily large GraphQL Schema whereas you may only require a tiny fraction of what is auto generated. In many cases it is much more efficient to be able to create your own. I appreciate the auto generating option which may help in some cases but I think it's really important to be able to turn that off and have finer control of your GraphQL server in other cases. This will open it up to many more use cases.
Marco commented
I would be nice to have the ability to just add custom resolver, without the generated queries and mutations. At least the possibility to remove some of the generated queries/mutations would be nice.
bolokos commented
I would also like this ability which should make it possible to customise the schema and add our own custom types and allow the use of GraphQL features such as unions which the internal conversion of Realm schemas + custom resolvers => GraphQL schema do not provide / support.
for example: