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Atlas App Services

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92 results found

  1. Send tags to Datadog Integration

    We currently use Datadog for our monitoring and alerting. Previously we were using the labels functionality to add information to our clusters in Datadog. With the recent deprecation of labels, we're looking for this same functionality with tags

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  2. Changed role information in notification

    Users in this IdP can choose with the correct approval and authorisation, which roles they would need to assume when they access Mongo DB Atlas projects to perform releases / BAU functions.

    To monitor which users are assuming an org owner role, we have configured an OOTB notification to alert when a user changes their role.

    However, the notification is limited as it does not say which role a user assumed. Saying which role the user has assumed would make this notification a lot more meaningful and which could then be acted upon.

    For example with Org Owner but not…

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  3. Ability to Enable Captcha In App Auth

    Currently, app users don't have rate limiting or captcha abilities. I would like to be able to enable recaptcha or other popular captcha services in the default app authentication system.

    Currently, anyone can abuse the login / register system without any limits.

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  4. Add support for the collection.* metrics to the MongoDB Atlas/Datadog integration

    Currently the MongoDB Atlas integration with Datadog does not support the collection.* metrics.

    As we use Datadog as our monitoring and analytics tool company-wide, we cannot create the needed dashboards unless we create our own app retrieving the metrics and pushing them to Datadog. This is not ideal.

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  5. Configure refresh token from json deployment files with appservices push

    It would be great if the refresh token could be configured through the 'appservices push' deployment mode in addition to the Admin API.

    It would simplify deployment and would avoid to implement several methods for configuring the application.

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  6. Establish communication between the app and the Project Clusters over a Peer-To-Peer network rather than the internet

    We would like to request a change to the data transmition related to Device Sync between Device Sync app and the Project Clusters.

    When both the Device Sync app and the Project Clusters are running on the same Cloud Service Provider such as GCP, syncing with servers should be done over a Peer-To-Peer network rather than the internet.

    This will help make the data transfer be for cost effective and efficient.

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  7. Improve Datadog integration

    We're using the Datadog integration for monitoring and alerting. With the monitoring we're having to create custom logic to determine alerting thresholds that are tied to sizes, like connections and memory. We would like additional metrics to be sent to indicate percentage of max for some of these metrics so we can setup our alerts easier.

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  8. Allow Customers to subscribe to Atlas App Services Release notes and have them emailed directly to us.

    Allow Customers to subscribe to Atlas App Services Release notes and have them emailed directly to us. Ideally, we would like to have an idea of what is being released a week ahead of time so we can see if any of the new features we can immediately use to accelerate development.

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  9. Add IP Address BlackList/DisallowList

    Currently, we can only add a whitelist/allowlist IP address ranges which makes it very very hard to just block a specific country or a list of IP addresses.

    The main use case for this is blocking a list of IP Address ranges that are harmful such as if our application is under a DDOS attack or other forms of brute force attacks.

    This is really important to improve the application security and prevent DDOS attacks which in this day and age is very likely for any web/mobile application that has any noticeable traction.

    Services such as Azure already provide such…

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  10. MFA support

    Enable MultiFactor Authentication in MongoDB App Services authentication. Thus the developers does not need any third party support. They can choose from other Factors (SMS, Whatsapp, E-mail, Push Notification) while selecting the Authentication Providers.

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  11. Cost Break Up for App Services inside Atlas Project

    Looking for details cost break down based on the Atlas App Services inside a Project. We can definitely get the overall Project cost but need to understand how much each Atlas App costing ? Is that available with Atlas AppService UI/ other places ?

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  12. Add ability to capture pre-change images within a given collection ONLY prior to a remove event rather than for updates AND remove events

    I understand that turning on 'recordPreImages' is required in order to get a copy of a document which is removed from a collection as part of a change stream for a given collection. What I would like to suggest is to add an option that can be set to ONLY capture pre-change images for 'remove' events.

    Basically, for my particular use case, the only time I need access to the 'pre image' is on delete (so I can do some post-processing for which I need to know what some of the attributes of the document were prior to it being…

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  13. Support One Time Password (OTP) authentication method

    Account creation / login using 6 digit OTP via email.

    No need for authenticating with 3rd party service or email/password.

    Also can be used for "magic link" account creation / logins.

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  14. deletion protection for realm apps and custom app Id's

    It should be very hard to delete a production app because If it gets deleted you guys don't support fully customised Ids. for Instance my appId is xyz-123-ybaga the last string is added randomly giving us no control over it. In case someone by mistake delete the app, It is impossible to create an app with same app Id again due to which I'll have to publish a force update for my apps.

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  15. Add expansion for database and collection in Rules Expressions

    In a rule expression, in addition to expansions such as %%user and %%request, it would be very useful to have an expansion variable for the database and collection. This would allow granting or blocking access to the data based on which database or collection is queried.

    For example, in a multi-tenant application, users authenticate with a JWT token which contains an ID that identifies which data they can access. Currently, we can only check the ID against an element in documents so we have to put that ID in every document. Each collection contains data from a single ID, so…

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  16. sync

    I have faced an issue while using Device Sync.
    I wanted to disable Device Sync but the process takes a lot of time for terminating.
    Please solve this issue.

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  17. Azure PrivateLink support

    Adding support for Azure Private Link would make App Services accessible to customers who don't want to send data (even TLS encrypted) over public internet.

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  18. Allow setting up private connection between Atlas App Services and AWS Elastic Beanstalk

    I would like to set up a private connection between my Atlas App Services app and my AWS Elastic Beanstalk instance. Basically I want my Elastic Beanstalk instance to only accept requests that are coming from one of my App Services functions. I don't want it to accept requests from anywhere else on the internet.

    I know there is a way to set up private peering between an Atlas Cluster's VPC and an AWS VPC (which I could put my Elastic Beanstalk instance inside of), but there is not currently any peering functionality for Atlas App Services.

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  19. One-way comparison of secret values

    Can we have a method that compares a value in a function against a stored secret value. The method should just return true or false to indicate whether the values matched.

    If we had this there would be no need to expose a secret through a value.

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  20. Atlas App Services regions in the UK

    UK Data Protection requirements often require data to reside within the UK, something that cannot be supported through Atlas App Services today.

    For all features (especially Charts, Realm and Triggers), being able to select the UK as a region would unlock additional customer use cases.

    Given I am a UK domiciled MongoDB Atlas user
    When I use MongoDB Charts
    Then all traffic should remain within the UK

    Given I am a UK domiciled MongoDB Atlas user
    When I use MongoDB Atlas Triggers
    Then I should have the option for my trigger to invoke from a UK data center

    Given I…

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