skip past MongoDB CLI version 1.31.1 for dependabot / renovate (current version 1.18.0)
Currently the latest release for the cli is 1.18 i.e. mongodb/atlas:v1.18.0, but according to common versioning patterns mongodb/atlas:v1.31.0
should have been created after the current version, so vulnerability management systems like renovate will falsely believe this to be the latest version.
Could you release versions higher than 1.31.1 from now on?

Ciprian commented
Hi Benedikt, could you clarify if you're inquiring about mongocli ( or atlascli (
They have separate release cycles, mongocli had a recent major release (from 1.31 to 2.0), while atlascli is still at first major version (1.x, with latest being 1.18). For a full list of releases of both cli you can check GitHub releases page (