Image execution in LXC
For our CI we use Github actions with self hosted runners, the server machines have Proxmox with LXC and Ubuntu. For automated tests we start a docker compose which should start the official atlas docker image. During deployment creation it fails with Error 127. Is there anything that is required to execute it on those machines?
The command which I run and the output look like the following:
docker run --privileged -p 27017:27017 -v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" mongodb/atlas:v1.14.2 atlas deployments setup core-data \
--type local \
--mdbVersion 7.0 \
--force \
--bindIpAll \
--username admin \
--password notasecret
with this output:
[Default Settings]
Deployment Name core-data
MongoDB Version 7.0
Port 27017
Creating your cluster core-data [this might take several minutes]
1/3: Starting your local environment...
2/3: Downloading the MongoDB binaries to your local environment...
3/3: Creating your deployment core-data...
Error: exit status 127: : exit status 1
Thank you and best regards!

Kevin commented
Thank you very much! Will try it out in the next days :)