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Atlas Search

56 results found

  1. Allow sort by boolean fields

    When creating indexes and sorting with "normal" queries, it is possible to index/sort on a boolean field. I was hoping to do this with Atlas Search Sort as well, but it only supports date, number and token (string).

    While workarounds are available (using custom scoring), these are not easily combined with multiple sort fields and make programmatically building a query vastly more complex.


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  2. Support sorting by the search relevance when custom sorting search results.

    Our search index is mostly data, so we get a lot of documents with identical search relevance. We would like to use the newly announced sort feature, but we need to retain the sort relevance (score) as the primary sort criterion. We want to additionally specify reverse chronological order as the secondary criterion. Adding the missing ability to also sort by the score would solve our need.

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  3. case insenstive sorting in atlas search

    we need a way to get results back from an atlas search that will be case-insensitive.
    currently, we need to index many columns with an upper option just to cover this need.
    we looking for the same level of support that ELK has.

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  4. Dedicated search nodes

    Currently, Atlas Search (mongot) is collocated with Atlas (mongod) on the same database deployment. Today, I have to size their workload based on both search and database requirements, which introduces the possibility of resource contention between their database and search deployment. I'd like to scale my search deployment independently of my database deployment.

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  5. Support querying with numeric arrays (like $in)

    I want to be able to query for multiple numbers in the same query without having to specify separate “range” clauses (or “equals” when they are supported with numbers).
    ie. I want to be able to query for [1, 2, 3] and any document which matches 1, 2, or 3 gets returned.

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  6. Add storedSource parameter to atlas admin API search index create/update to use with terraform

    Right now it is impossible to create atlas search index via terraform with "storedSource" parameter. This brings a lot of inconvenience and configuration-related bugs.

    Related issue

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    completed  ·  Zuhair responded

    Stored Source Parameter in mongodbatlas_search_index resource and data source has now been released in Terraform. Users will need to upgrade to latest Terraform Atlas provider to be able to use.

    For more details see here:

  7. Allow faceting for embeddedDocuments

    At the moment embeddedDocuments does not allow number or date faceting.


    In my opinion, this does not make the operator useful, since Faceting is now the standard for every search.

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    Faceting on numbers and dates in arrays (including embeddedDocuments) is now supported. You must remove any `numberFacet` and `dateFacet` field mappings, and use the `number` and `date` field mapping types instead.

    See Changelog.

  8. Extending Range operator support to ObjectId values

    If the Range operator supports ObjectId, it'll be really useful for the application that sorts or paginates data using _id, since _id is sorted by default.

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  9. Faster Sorting with Atlas Search

    I am looking to achieve a faster sort when using Atlas Search.

    Please comment if you tried Stored Source Fields and it did not meet the performance you were looking for.

    Stored Source Fields Docs:
    Index -
    Query -

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  10. MongoDB University Course on Atlas Search

    I'd like to see a MongoDB university course on Atlas Search

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  11. Allow autocomplete on nested document field

    Although I can index a nested field using the autocomplete type, it does not return any results when queried.

    Here's an example snippet from an index definiton:

      "Customers": {
        "dynamic": false,
        "fields": {
          "Name": {
            "foldDiacritics": true,
            "maxGrams": 8,
            "minGrams": 3,
            "type": "autocomplete"
        "type": "document"

    In the above example, for a customer named "John Smith" I'd expect to get a result for "joh" when querying on the Customer.Name path. But I currently get no results.

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    completed  ·  2 comments  ·  Admin →
  12. Allow $elemMatch inside $search

    When searching array of objects inside document, it'll be useful if we have a similar operator like $elemMatch

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  13. Allow indexing and querying for null datatype in Atlas Search

    The null datatype is not amongst the datatypes that Atlas Search supports at this time. As a result, if the use-case is to perform a text search on some fields and perform an equality/inequality check on other field(s) to see if it is/isn't null, then we need to have a $match stage following the $search stage, which is detrimental to the query performance as documented here. This is an enhancement request to allow indexing and querying for null datatype in Atlas Search, to avoid the above scenario.

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  14. Add ability edit query syntax in Atlas UI

    Right now you can only test simple queries in the Search Tester. I'd like to edit the query syntax to test more complex queries without the need to connect the cluster through Mongo Shell.

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  15. Allow autocomplete search on an array of strings

    Currently, one can't use the autocomplete type to index fields whose value is an array of strings. This is a feature request to allow autocomplete indexing and searching on an array of strings.

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  16. Reverse Search using edgeGram in autocomplete searches

    For searching on the last few characters of a field's values, currently the only option available is to create a nGram or need to create a custom analyzer with regex split/capture group.

    As lucene internally has the reverse option available, can we have reverse flag provided with edgeGram to perform searches from the end?

    Use case:

    Lets suppose the field is tokenNumber and we usually search by the last 5 digits of the tokenNumber itself.

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  17. Add support for creating and editing Custom Analyzers via the Visual Editor

    The Visual Editor currently does not support creating or editing custom analyzers. This is a feature request for adding support for creating and editing Custom Analyzers via the Visual Editor.

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  18. Functionality that provides details of how a score was calculated for an individual document

    Every document returned by an Atlas Search query is assigned a score based on relevance. Many factors can influence a document's score, including the position of the search term in the document, the frequency of occurrence of the search term in the document, the type of operator the query uses, the type of analyzer the query uses, etc.

    We do have an explain functionality in Atlas Search, which returns information about the $search query plan and execution statistics. The results returned by explain("executionStats") has a section on score, which provides statistics related to scoring documents in the result set. However,…

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    completed  ·  Elle responded

    [Changelog] Added scoreDetails boolean option to retrieve a detailed breakdown of the score for each document in the query results.

  19. support for the storage and high speed search of dense vectors (i.e. word embeddings)

    One feature I would like to see in mongoDB is the support for the storage and high speed search of dense vectors (i.e. word embeddings). This feature, in combination with full text search, would bring mongoDB within parity with Elasticsearch and help us simplify our architectures for these types of solutions.

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  20. Search Query Analytics

    For Atlas Search, I'd like to see data about what queries are run, and how many results are returned for a given query.

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