Ops Tools
474 results found
Warn when trying to apply changes that are doomed to fail
Ops Manager UI should show a warning when trying to publish changes while a node is disabled (shut down).
Why ? See this example:
- user publishes a change asking for node 1 to be disabled
- publication is OK, node 1 is stopped by Ops Manager
- user publishes a change asking for node 2 to restart. Ops Manager UI accepts this change...
- ...but publication will fail, with node 2 agent waiting indefinitely for node 1 to get healthyThis is really disturbing because Ops Manger accepts a change it knows it can't deliver.
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Different networks support in Ops Manager
We need Ops Manager being able to manage our infrastructure architecture.
We have a service network and an operational network. The servers, at the physical level, are located in the operational network with their domain (for example servername.operational.network.net, which is what is in /etc/hosts and what you get when you run "hostname -f") and the replica set nodes, at the MongoDB level, are in the service network (for example servername.service.network.net).
When you try to add an existing MongoDB deployment in Ops Manager, as indicated in the wizard, you must do it with the name…
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Operator opsManager.configMapRef as a secret
currently inside the mongodb Operator custom resource
, a configMap stores the orgId.
apiVersion: mongodb.com/v1
kind: MongoDB
name: my-mongodb
name: my-mongodb-ops-manager-diga-project-configmap
credentials: my-mongodb-opsmanager
please allow storing the orgID inside a secret via:
name: my-mongodb-ops-manager-diga-project-secret
credentials: my-mongodb-opsmanager
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Add support in homebrew for mongosync
Could you add support in https://github.com/mongodb/homebrew-brew for mongosync https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/mongosync
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Allow OPS Manager to export as CSV or JSON All projects page information
All projects page in MongoOPS shows cluster name, data size, version, nodes, backup, SSL, Auth, Alerts.
Add export as CSV or JSON All projects page information.
Current MongoDB Usage report doesn't fit due:
1. It doesn't report backup, encryption information
2. Cluster name could be not right if the cluster was unmanaged and added back to OPS manager as managed. (Cluster_0 bogus names)1 vote -
The Backup Daemon auto downloads all old Mongodb versions
If "Backup Versions Auto Download" is set to true on the Admin > General > Ops Manager Config > MISCELLANEOUS tab, then the backup daemon automatically downloads all older major versions of the software.
In my opinion, it would be better if you could either select the version/s which you want or it only downloaded versions equal to or higher than your current version.
All the old versions take up disk space and can only be deleted if the setting is changed to false.
thanks1 vote -
Mongo Atlas: create backup before updating version
If I upgrade Atlas cluster, Atlas automatically creates a backup with the new version.
I'd rather have a backup of the cluster with original version.
It will allow to restore to the previous version.
Current workaround: create a backup manually before upgrade.1 vote -
encryption at rest
Right now there is only option to encrypt the key used to encrypt the database. There is no way we can choose which encryption technology is being used to encrypting the database and its backups. The default protocol being used by mongodb may not align with the security policy of the company.
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1 vote
mongoimport should explain why documents fail schema validation
Currently, with mongoimport 100.9 and MongoDB 7.0 with schema validation enabled, mongoimport will only report that a document failed to import due to schema validation. It would be useful if it could explain why it violates the schema (e.g. which fields are missing, which datatypes are incorrect, etc.). This is similar to the feature request for MongoDB Compass2
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Operator crashes when it doesn't have permissions to watch a namespace
If one of many namespaces does not set the permissions for the operator to watch the namespace, it throws exceptions and goes to crashLoopBackOff state.
This is clearly a bug. One misconfigured namespace should never be able to take the operator down with it.1 voteThis is expected behavior and common among operators; it can't function and do what's needed if it lacks the permissions needed.
I know we have an open support case around this to try and understand more about your use case, and we're hoping that we'll be able to offer some guidance to avoid this problem and still achieve what you need. It may even be a new use case that we look to support.
Allow assigning users to an organization via api by adding a bypass parameter
Via the parameter
it is possible to a add a user to a project.
It is important to also have this feature for the Organization, so please add a parameterbypassOrgInviteForExistingUser
or similar to enable this.
Without it, we can not automate the creation of new environments.1 vote -
Allow configuring external applicationDatabase running on MongoDB Atlas
Allow configuring external applicationDatabase running outside of Kubernetes in the opsManager configuration.
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Management capabilities for trusted CA certificates in the Admin UI
Currently it is a manual process per Ops Manager server to add trusted CA certificates to the Java TrustStore. This store is also overwritten on Ops Manager upgrades.
Similar to the S3 block store option to use a specific CA, it would be useful to manage trusted CA certificates for other endpoints such as HTTPS proxies, webhook alerts, and custom download URLs.
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Need an alert for KMIP master key rotation
Currently opsmanager has manual rotation of KMIP master keys.
Enhancement required:
Need an alert from project level to rotate keys when nearing the schedule rotation just like SSL expiration alertsNeed for automation of this key rotation would be helpful. If fails, it needs to revert back changes and alert for human intervention.
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Allow service spec changes via MongoDBCommunity CR
I aim to include extra sidecar containers, such as a metrics sidecar, allowing me to deploy an external metrics exporter alongside that would be scraped via service. I intend to configure annotations on the service for Prometheus automatic discovery, enabling the scraping of metrics and exposing the exporter container at the service level, similar to the one exposed when prometheus integration is enabled.
Updating the service spec is not currently possible, and as result, a lot of manual steps are required, like creating a custom service for each cluster, which points to the sidecar container with the required annotations in…
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disable auth on metrics
Opentelemtry-Collector does not support secrets for ServiceMonitor/PodMonitor resources, which generates authorization issues while trying to scrape the metrics endpoint of MongoDB.
I'm looking for a way to disable the basic_auth on the metrics endpoint of MongoDB, I already tried a lot of ways, including an empty username/password, but nothing worked, any help would be highly appreciated.
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Add comprehensive configuration options for persistent volumes
From a project point of view, we need additional configuration options for persistent volumes. For instance, as far as we know, each MongoDB Deployment that uses a persistent volume is configured with Access Mode ReadWriteOnce per default. We need to customise this option for optimal usage. For configuration options would be a plus.
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SAML sign either Response or Assertion in Ops Manager
Ops Manager currently requires both the Response and Assertion to be signed for SAML auth. Our IDMS system cannot authenticate via SAML as it can sign either one or the other, not both. We would like a configurable option in Ops Manager SAML auth to enforce signing of Response or Assertion.
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mongod startupWarnings
Create an "alert" to send notificactions when a mongod proccess has, for any reason, startup warnings.
The configured WiredTiger cache size is more than 80% of available RAM. See http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/faq-memory-diagnostics-wt2)
/sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag is 'always'.3) Others.
1 vote
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