Different networks support in Ops Manager
We need Ops Manager being able to manage our infrastructure architecture.
We have a service network and an operational network. The servers, at the physical level, are located in the operational network with their domain (for example servername.operational.network.net, which is what is in /etc/hosts and what you get when you run "hostname -f") and the replica set nodes, at the MongoDB level, are in the service network (for example servername.service.network.net).
When you try to add an existing MongoDB deployment in Ops Manager, as indicated in the wizard, you must do it with the name you get when you run "hostname -f" ("Seed node - hostname:port =>Use fully qualified domain name (value returned from hostname -f). Must be unique and resolvable from any server within your deployment that is running a MongoDB Agent."), but when you do it that way, as Ops Manager uses the "hello" command to discover the nodes, what you get are the servers with the service network domain, which cannot be connected to for security reasons in your organization.
We need, when adding an existing deployment, to connect to the rest of the nodes using the operation network instead of the service network. We cannot assign the domain to the hostname or register the replica set nodes in MongoDB with the operation domain due to internal security reasons, as mentioned above. We cannot modify the hostname domain either due to automatization reasons and backbone tasks of our organization.
You have more details about this in your internal case https://hub.corp.mongodb.com/case/01288897 and in our case https://support.mongodb.com/case/01288897 (please, see comments too).
Thanks and best regards.