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  1. Ops Manager Prometheus metrics

    MongoDB Ops Manager would need to expose endpoints for Prometheus for MongoDB Clusters. There are a number of metrics that popular MongoDB Exporters do not provide, for example:
    1. Enterprise Backup status
    2. Replication Alarms
    3. Agent statuses
    4. A number of Cluster statuses

    There is no way to get this data into Prometheus at the moment

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  2. Encrypt Password LDAP Query User

    The LDAP Query user's password appears in plain text in mongod.config file. The ability to mask its password in automation config file using credentialstool would mitigate a security risk.

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  3. Consider supporting the installation of mongosh via Ops Manager/automation agent

    Today, it is possible to install MongoDB software (mongoimport/export, mongodump/restore, mongo, bi connector) from Ops Manager via the automation agent.

    Ideally, it will be possible to have the same experience for the new MongoDB Shell (mongosh), so that customers don't need to put in place a separate set of processes nd scripts to install it.

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  4. Add to the Continues Backup UI more information about the snapshots

    Currently, the Ops Manager UI under Continues Backup only shows the following information about the snapshots:
    - Replica set name
    - Status
    - Last Snapshot
    - Last Oplog Slice

    It would be very helpful to also see:
    - Start date/time
    - Finish date/time
    - Backup duration
    - Snapshot size

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  5. Add collection level statistics to the measurements API

    Get Database Measurements currently provides information from dbStats.

    Adding collection level statistics would be useful for gathering information via the API on a regular basis to measure growth of each collection and other metrics. Data Explorer functionality is not available via the API.

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  6. Ability to customize subject line for System & Global Alerts

    Currently there's no way to customize the subject line of either a system or global alert. The subject line only has the project name & time. It doesn't even say why the alert was generated until the email alert is opened. Having the ability to modify the subject line, even if it's to certain predefined fields such as alert condition for example would be helpful in addressing alerts in an efficient and effective manner.

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  7. “Content-Security-Policy” header


    We want to add the “Content-Security-Policy” header to the OpsManager/MongoDB answers to increase the security level:

    frame-ancestors 'none' (Do not render in frames)
    script-src 'self': only loads scripts originating on the site (subdomains excluded)
    default-src 'none': recommended for services returning HTML.
    Could you please tell us how to set up these elements ?

    Thank you in advance for your support.


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  8. Add addition authentication mechanisms to the Ops Manager Alerting webhook

    Capability to use JWT or SSL certs would be great.

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  9. Allow Webhook notifications for System Alerts

    Webhooks are available for Project and Global Alerts. However they are not available for System Alerts.

    It would be ideal to be able to use Webhooks for all alerts.

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  10. Allow customization of Alert's Subject/Body

    Currently alerts do not allow for any customization of the Subject or Body. It would be useful to allow customization of both the Subject and Body of emails and other alert methods. This would allow customers to add information, such as links to internal runbooks or documentation, to assist with resolving the alert.

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  11. Improve backup job status in Backup jobs summary table

    When checking the backup job details for a 4.2 deployment, this is always reporting to be performing a "WT Checkpoint" even though it is not exactly generating a snapshot at that point in time.

    The request is to enhance the reporting for this summary table in order to get further details on what the Backup Module is doing at that precise point in time. If it is awaiting for the instruction to execute a snapshot, in the process of transferring blocks, etc.

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  12. Notify about SSL/TLS Certificate Expiration Date & Time to warn customers about potential impact on their deployment availability

    What is the problem that needs to be solved? Customers run into SSL/TLS Certificate Expiration issues (where SSL/TLS certificate has expired) on their Ops Manager and MongoDB Server environments and they do not get any early notifications from Ops Manager about SSL/TLS Certificate Expiration.

    Why is it a problem? (the pain) Customers who use Ops Manager to manage/monitor their MongoDB Server deployments are running into situation where their configured SSL/TLS Certificates are expired, and thus have potential downtime for their applications.

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  13. Add hostname/port attributes into all Cluster/Replica Set alert types

    What is the problem that needs to be solved? Add hostname/port attributes into all Cluster/Replica Set alert types generated via SNMP Alert Traps, Ops Manager's Public API calls (Project/Global Alerts) and Alert Webhooks (Project/Global Alerts).

    Why is it a problem? (the pain) Hostname/port attributes are currently missed in Cluster/Replica Set alert types and we only provide a name of the Cluster/Replica Set for which the alert was generated. Operator who watch Monitoring System (the one that receive Ops Manager Alerts) needs to see hostname/port information of a Shard/Replica Set for which such alert was generated, in order to quickly understand…

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  14. Alert for even number of voting members of a Replica Set

    Alert for even number of voting members of a Replica Set

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  15. Build Ops Manager packages for ARM architecture

    The new Graviton instance types in AWS seem very promising from a cost/peformance perspective. We would love to be able to run our Ops Manager cluster on these new instance types, but there currently aren't any packages available for ARM architectures!

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  16. Weekly alerts report as part of the UI

    Weekly alerts report as part of the UI with the option to download export to pdf

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  17. Benchmark backups in Ops Manager

    It would be helpful if, on the Snapshot overview page or on the Admin -> Backup page, there was the ability to benchmark the backup to help identify bottlenecks.

    Allow the user to select a deployment to test and then do a random sampling of data (ie: 100MB) to a temporary Snapshot location and then graph out the metrics for things like Memory/CPU/Disk IO on the source host, Database performance, Backup Agent performance, Network throughput, Blockstore/File System Store/S3 write performance, etc.

    Then create a report based on this benchmark that can be sent to technical support for recommendations.

    This will…

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  18. Dark theme

    Having a dark theme switch in the Ops Manager account personalization settings would be nice!

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  19. Update automation config through API without pushing entire config file

    For updating any Automation managed parameter, the only method through API is involving pushing the entire Automation config (which is a json file of hundreds lines) with modifications/addition all together.

    Even though I just want to update one single value.

    Is it a bit dangerous that there may be human mistake when modifying such a large json file. Wrong configuration may be push to the server.

    Graceful if there is a feature which allow user to partial update the configuration through API.

    Ref Case: 00730243

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  20. Password policy enforcement

    Currently, MongoDB doesn't provide any way to enforce password policies. If there is some way for Ops Manager to enforce a configurable password complexity and age for user accounts managed through Ops Manager, that would be huge win. This can be as simple as adding UI-level validations to the create/edit user form.

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