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  1. Import existing MongoDB deployments

    There should be a way to import existing MongoDB deployments with mongocli. This would allow the automated provisioning of Ops Manager instances in cases where MongoDB deployments already exist. In addition we would be able to import the application database of Ops Manager automatically whenever a new Ops Manager instance is installed.

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  2. Automated rotation of the Keyfile


    I have an idea about the Keyfile rotation. So actually you can rotate the Keyfile only through the ops manager manually. But I would recommend to do this automatically with an API. This would help us alot since we have alot of mongoDB instances and this would save alot of time.

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  3. Login Page for Ops Manager

    The login page for Ops Manager 4.4+ shows "Email Address" and "Password". While using other login methods such as LDAP, an email address may not be used.

    It would be more accurate to say username here.

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  4. Add MongoDB user discovery via the API

    For users running DBaaS MongoDB products powered by Ops Manager automation, it would be useful if the API provided a way to replicate the cluster import behavior where MongoDB users are automatically discovered. This would help in scenarios where an existing Ops Manager deployment fails, and hundreds of deployments need to be moved to a different Ops Manager without knowing what MongoDB credentials the end user of that deployment had created. Having this API would allow the DBaaS provider's own scripting/automation to orchestrate moving these deployments to a new Ops Manager stack with reduced downtime.

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  5. Allow Ops Manager to only download specific MongoDB binary packages

    We would like to have an option in the Ops Manager UI to select certain MongoDB versions to be automatically downloaded by Automation in order to avoid downloading all major binaries.

    It is not good to have several MongoDB binaries using disk space and not being used.

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  6. Provide support to update version manifest to Ops Manager that uses local mode

    With Ops Manager Local Mode on Kubernetes, the version manifest is required to be updated manually via UI or API.

    It would be the best practice to support updating version manifest using a command to the Operator or OM Pods.

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  7. MongoDB Agent (Automation Module): don't attempt to auth with `net.tls.clusterFile` / `net.tls.certificateKeyFile` and use Agent X.509 cert

    Problem Statement,
    What is the problem? MongoDB Agent (Automation Module) attempts to auth with net.tls.clusterFile / net.tls.certificateKeyFile X.509 certificate first, pretending it is a Replica Set member.

    Why is this a problem? MongoDB Server process logs are flooded by unnecessary noise from such MongoDB Agent (Automation Module) auth attempts pretending it is Replica Set member. MongoDB Server will always log Replica Set member auth certificate usage outside of internal MongoDB Server client (,

    {"t":{"$date":"2021-05-10T11:08:03.110+0000"},"s":"W", "c":"ACCESS", "id":20430, "ctx":"conn116","msg":"Client isn't a mongod or mongos, but is connecting with a certificate with cluster membership"}

    * Don't attempt to auth…

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  8. Add two more entries to the sample_training.zips collections

    The lab task currently can be solved without paying attention to the difference between the $lt vs $lte and $gt vs $gte operators:

    MongoDB Enterprise atlas-7ooiae-shard-0:PRIMARY> db.zips.find({"pop" : { $gte: 5000,$lte: 1000000}}).count()
    MongoDB Enterprise atlas-7ooiae-shard-0:PRIMARY> db.zips.find({"pop" : { $gt: 5000,$lt: 1000000}}).count()

    Adding two more documents (one with 5000 and the other one with 1000000 "pop" value) would draw attention to this difference

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  9. Add memory monitoring metrics

    Atlas -> please make buffers, cached, and MEM shared available under system memory metrics on Atlas for end users so we can calculate the criteria for auto scaling .

    Currently only Mongodb support can see these three metrics

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  10. Add ability to have systemLog redirected to stdout (just have to remove systemLog.destination and path)

    To be able to have MongoDB logs redirect to stdout and this having it into GKE CloudLogs, we should NOT configure a systemLog.destination nor a systemLog.path.

    In 0.6.0 release, systemLog.destination and path are hardcoded and cannot be nullable.

    see automationconfigbuilder.go at line 208:

    Destination: "file",
    Path: path.Join(DefaultAgentLogPath, "/mongodb.log"),

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  11. update monitoring & backup agent credentials via automationConfig API instead of separate API calls

    Right now if you want to change the credentials for the monitoring agent or the backup agent, you've got to make separate API calls. Why not make it so that you can specify everything at once in the same automationConfig API PUT?

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  12. Mongoimport should support delimiter option when importing csv txt files such as |,: etc

    Mongoimport should support delimiter option when importing csv txt files such as |,: etc
    Mongoimport ....... --delimitor :

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  13. Change MongoDB Log Settings via API

    You can set MongoDB log rotation for mongod process on project level in the Ops Manager through: Deployment -> More -> MongoDB Log Settings. However there is no option to set it via API.
    It looks like there is option to set this parameters on process level (in the Automation Config), but Ops Manager is not accepting new value, like it does when setting values for Monitoring Log rotation and Backup Log rotation.
    It would be great to have option to automate this when creating a new project via API and setting all other attributes with script.

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  14. S3 Snapshot Store Speed Test

    It is often quite difficult to diagnose latency/bandwidth/generally slow S3 storage. It would be useful if Ops Manager could run a short test to show:

    1. How fast a single large object can be PUT and GET
    2. Measure parallel PUTs and GETs against test objects
    3. How much latency there is between Ops Manager and S3
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  15. Ability to deploy blockstore in "backing database" type organisations/projects

    New versions of Ops Manager have the ability to monitor the ApplicationDB in a organisation/project with the "backing database" server type (

    It is common to co-host the blockstore/oplogstore database on the same servers as the ApplicationDB and I would like to deploy these using OpsManager automation but there is a problem because:
    * you cannot deploy new clusters in projects with the "backing database" server type
    * an agent is tied to a single Ops Manager project

    I have two options at the moment:
    1. Install a secondary agent on the servers to allow me to deploy…

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  16. Disable Query Targeting: Scanned Objects / Returned alerts on specific, recurring aggregations.

    We run routine, recurring aggregation pipelines (essentially, summing up the values of different categories of transactions) on a 5-minute interval. These aggregation pipelines scan for all objects that match a certain type, then sum the cumulative value of certain values of those objects based on category. This means that we regularly have queries that scan >500,000 objects and consolidate them down to ~12 or so objects that are returned.

    In this specific case, I'm alright with the scan/return ratio being very high, and I don't want to be spammed with alerts every five minutes. However, I don't want to disable…

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  17. Add ability to transition WiredTiger encryption-at-rest from local keyfile encryption (LKE) to KMIP

    If you are using local key file encryption and backing up your MongoDB deployment using Ops Manager, backups won't work correctly if you upgrade to MongoDB 4.2. The correct solution is to switch your encryption to KMIP. But if you try doing that, automation will get stuck!

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  18. Allow disabling Blockstore for assignment through the Ops Manager CRD

    By default, when enabling backups and configuring a Blockstore for an Ops Manager custom object, the specified Blockstore will be set as "Assignment enabled" in the UI.

    It would be helpful to expose the enable/disable button for the blockstore through the CRD since disabling it through the UI, results in the parameter being reverted every time the operator consolidates. This is useful for the case when more than a single store is configured and as a user you would like to disable the blockstore to make it unavailable for new backup jobs.

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  19. mongorestore from metadata


    When start mongorestore, data is restored first.
    so, performance is poor, and recovery takes a long time.
    would please proceed from the metadata(index) and change it so that it can be restored quickly.

    as-is: data > metadata(index)


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  20. 1 vote

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