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  1. Kubernetes Operator - Prefix Annotations and Labels

    Labels and annotations added to Kubernetes resources by the MongoDB Enterprise Operator should include a prefix designating that it was added by MongoDB. The lack of a prefix suggests the field and values are private to the user.

    For example, the MongoDB statefulset and service selector should use a label prefixed with a MongoDB domain.

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    We're gradually starting to change things to prefix most annotations and labels with mdb.

    It's a gradual thing but in progress.

  2. Display the feature compatibility version (FCV) in Cloud Manager/Ops Manager UI

    The FCV could be different than the MongoDB version. Also, sometime the FCV on different shards/CSRS in a sharded cluster might be different (e.g. FCV is upgraded on the shards, but for some reason FCV is not upgraded on the CSRS), and this could cause issues.

    It would be nice if FCV is displayed next to the MongoDB version information. So that we can spot out the discrepancy quickly.

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  3. Generate Operational Reports in Ops Manager

    1. Slow queries report similiar to AWR report in Oracle
    2. List of hosts being monitoring in Organization and project level in a downloadable format
    3. Metrics report for all the hosts at org and project level
    4. Backup failures report
    5. Alerts report (Example : List of alerts triggered in given timeframe)
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  4. Allow Ops Manager Data Explorer to read from Secondary nodes

    Ops Manager should allow Data Explorer to be configured with a Read Preferences and maxTimeMS options. Not having these options allows this tool to potentially trigger un-optimized queries to only hit primary nodes, which for high load production environments may cause un-expected problems.

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  5. Add filters to Global alert screen in Ops Manager

    Add a filter for Global alert Configuration Page. It would be nice to have the ability to search for the specific alert to see if you have it configured and for which environments.

    A filter similar to what is seen on the "Open Alert" view would be sufficient.

    Since we are managing upwards of 50 deployments via Global Alerts this would be a useful feature.

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  6. Add backup database monitoring in Ops Manager

    Version 4.4 has support to monitor the App DB. Please add the ability to monitor the backup database as well.

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  7. Add backup database monitoring in Ops Manager

    Version 4.4 has support to monitor the App DB. Please add the ability to monitor the backup database as well.

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  8. Enable S3 Snapshot Storage via Kubernetes Operator with IAM role

    Configuring an S3 Snapshot Storage with IAM roles is only possible via Ops Manager UI or API.

    It would be great to be able to do this configuration via the MongoDB Kubernetes Operator.

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  9. Allow Ops manager to downgrade FCV

    Ops Manager UI (4.0 -4.4) does not allow downgrading of Feature Compatibility Version (FCV), once the FVC has been upgraded to a higher version. Ops Manager automatically
    removes the lower version from the supported FCVs once upgrade completes. But the cluster deployment allows downgrading one level using shell commands. This limitation makes it difficult when planning an upgrade as regression process are more difficult.
    We are in the process of upgrading the environment from 4.0 to 4.4 (which requires an intermediate upgrade to 4.2.). So the downgrade process is so difficult with Ops Manager UI.

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  10. mongocli - allow to enable/disable agent modules

    As of mongocli version 1.17.0 there is no way to enable monitoring and backup modules for a cloud manager or ops manager project.

    You can only query the agents and the modules enabled.

    This won't allow you to use mongocli to setup a new project from scratch and will require to use the Cloud Manager or Ops Manager API updating the automation config manually for this purpose.

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  11. Weekly alerts report as part of the UI

    Weekly alerts report as part of the UI with the option to download export to pdf

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  12. Consider supporting the installation of mongosh via Ops Manager/automation agent

    Today, it is possible to install MongoDB software (mongoimport/export, mongodump/restore, mongo, bi connector) from Ops Manager via the automation agent.

    Ideally, it will be possible to have the same experience for the new MongoDB Shell (mongosh), so that customers don't need to put in place a separate set of processes nd scripts to install it.

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  13. Import existing MongoDB deployments

    There should be a way to import existing MongoDB deployments with mongocli. This would allow the automated provisioning of Ops Manager instances in cases where MongoDB deployments already exist. In addition we would be able to import the application database of Ops Manager automatically whenever a new Ops Manager instance is installed.

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  14. Automated rotation of the Keyfile


    I have an idea about the Keyfile rotation. So actually you can rotate the Keyfile only through the ops manager manually. But I would recommend to do this automatically with an API. This would help us alot since we have alot of mongoDB instances and this would save alot of time.

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  15. Login Page for Ops Manager

    The login page for Ops Manager 4.4+ shows "Email Address" and "Password". While using other login methods such as LDAP, an email address may not be used.

    It would be more accurate to say username here.

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  16. Add MongoDB user discovery via the API

    For users running DBaaS MongoDB products powered by Ops Manager automation, it would be useful if the API provided a way to replicate the cluster import behavior where MongoDB users are automatically discovered. This would help in scenarios where an existing Ops Manager deployment fails, and hundreds of deployments need to be moved to a different Ops Manager without knowing what MongoDB credentials the end user of that deployment had created. Having this API would allow the DBaaS provider's own scripting/automation to orchestrate moving these deployments to a new Ops Manager stack with reduced downtime.

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  17. Allow Ops Manager to only download specific MongoDB binary packages

    We would like to have an option in the Ops Manager UI to select certain MongoDB versions to be automatically downloaded by Automation in order to avoid downloading all major binaries.

    It is not good to have several MongoDB binaries using disk space and not being used.

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  18. Provide support to update version manifest to Ops Manager that uses local mode

    With Ops Manager Local Mode on Kubernetes, the version manifest is required to be updated manually via UI or API.

    It would be the best practice to support updating version manifest using a command to the Operator or OM Pods.

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  19. MongoDB Agent (Automation Module): don't attempt to auth with `net.tls.clusterFile` / `net.tls.certificateKeyFile` and use Agent X.509 cert

    Problem Statement,
    What is the problem? MongoDB Agent (Automation Module) attempts to auth with net.tls.clusterFile / net.tls.certificateKeyFile X.509 certificate first, pretending it is a Replica Set member.

    Why is this a problem? MongoDB Server process logs are flooded by unnecessary noise from such MongoDB Agent (Automation Module) auth attempts pretending it is Replica Set member. MongoDB Server will always log Replica Set member auth certificate usage outside of internal MongoDB Server client (,

    {"t":{"$date":"2021-05-10T11:08:03.110+0000"},"s":"W", "c":"ACCESS", "id":20430, "ctx":"conn116","msg":"Client isn't a mongod or mongos, but is connecting with a certificate with cluster membership"}

    * Don't attempt to auth…

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  20. Add two more entries to the sample_training.zips collections

    The lab task currently can be solved without paying attention to the difference between the $lt vs $lte and $gt vs $gte operators:

    MongoDB Enterprise atlas-7ooiae-shard-0:PRIMARY> db.zips.find({"pop" : { $gte: 5000,$lte: 1000000}}).count()
    MongoDB Enterprise atlas-7ooiae-shard-0:PRIMARY> db.zips.find({"pop" : { $gt: 5000,$lt: 1000000}}).count()

    Adding two more documents (one with 5000 and the other one with 1000000 "pop" value) would draw attention to this difference

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