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  1. Add flexibility to disable and enable specific fetures of managing mongodb instance in OPS Manager (like user Sync)

    Currently , Mongodb admin can not select to disable or enable feature after put mongodb manageed under OPS Manager. like security control .

    Normally , Security control is not mongodb or Ops manager admin's responsibility , which is managed by a enterprice access control team.

    1 , In opsmanager , there is not role for security control, like useradmin in mongodb.
    2 , When ACCESS control team create role in mongodb. Ops Manager sycn it back.
    3 , Opsmanager admin have to be engaged to work with ACCESS control team to complete the task.

    It is kind of not least…

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  2. ops manager agent support for Rocky Linux

    Ops manager and Mongodb work on Rocky, but it seems there is no option for Rocky in the Ops Manager agent manifest, the current agent detects no Linux flavor for Rocky Linux. This already works on RHEL/CentOS and Rocky is supposed to be fully compatible with these OS's.

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  3. Set log file permissions using Ops Manager

    Currently there is no way to set the log file permissions from Ops Manager and the default value is 600. Our organization uses Splunk and with the current settings the Splunk user is not able to read the log files. Config file options such as processUmask and honorSystemUmask can be used to change the log file permissions, but they will also change other files such as journal files, wiredtiger files, etc. The only option we have is to add the Splunk user to our role group in Unix, but this causes a security issue.

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  4. “Content-Security-Policy” header


    We want to add the “Content-Security-Policy” header to the OpsManager/MongoDB answers to increase the security level:

    frame-ancestors 'none' (Do not render in frames)
    script-src 'self': only loads scripts originating on the site (subdomains excluded)
    default-src 'none': recommended for services returning HTML.
    Could you please tell us how to set up these elements ?

    Thank you in advance for your support.


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  5. OPS Manager should call updateUser to change password to trace it in DB Audit.

    If you enable auditing in database, you can't trace change password actions. The reason is OPS Manager updates system.user collection record directly. as a result, this action is not traceble in audit if parameter auditAuthorizationSuccess is not enabled.

    But enabling this parameter cause performance degradation as all DML/DDL will be sent through audit layer.

    Dropping user at the same time happening as expected and traceable in audit files.

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  6. Agent authentication to opsmanager using x509 credentials

    Similar to how Opsmanger can use x509 to manage deployments, it should be possible to configure the agents to use x509 credentials to communicate with Opsmanager. This will allow for a more consistent security posture across the whole mongodb/opsmanager stack. It would also simplify security procedures such as credential rotation by unifying the authentication mechanism.

    This will be an alternative to the existing API Key approach

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  7. Ability to remove parameter tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword from Advanced configuration

    Currently the behavior around this parameter is tricky -once you added this parameter to advanced config - you can't remove it. if you try to remove it - OPS Manager simply ignores this action and when you run "Review and Deploy" - it displays nothing but still let you deploy this "nothing". similar if you want to set the value of this parameter to empty string from something - OPS Manager ignores it and deploy empty list of actions.

    the workaround is to remove both tlsCertificateKeyFile and tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword in advanced config, but don't deploy it. then add back tlsCertificateKeyFile parameter…

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  8. Ops Manager API should be authenticated via Certificate

    Ops Manager API uses HTTP Digest Authentication, this method requires a username and a password which are hashed and provided in the form of registered Ops Manager account, and the password which is a Public API Key associated with that account.

    But as part of security feature we should be allowed to use Authentication based on SSL certificates as we are using for Client connection, This will help to secure the self automation process if we are developing any internally.

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  9. When changing snapshot retention, prompt user to apply new policy to existing snapshots

    Currently when you change the snapshot schedule, the changes only apply to NEW snapshots.

    Please allow the user the option to apply the new policy automatically to all existing snapshots. Or at the very least, notify them of them of snapshots that exist which do not meet the current policy!

    Let me provide an example of the problem. If you have a retention policy of 10 days and on DAY1 you change it to 30 days, your retention will look like this:

    DAY1 - 10 snapshots
    DAY2 - 10 snapshots
    DAY10 - 10 snapshots
    DAY11 - 11 snapshots

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  10. Lock enableLocalConfigurationServer setting on OPS Manager side

    To harden security for mongodb deployment managed by OPS Manager, we can use setting enableLocalConfigurationServer = true so automation-mongod.conf won't have any passwords for ssl certs and agent will retrieve them from OPS Manager.

    to disable this feature and to read all passwords for ssl certs (and hence get access to mongodb data) it's enough to comment out this parameter an restart automation service (or wait until host will be restarted).

    Linux root user can modify any file on mongodb host including this file and can restart any services, so it's impossible to protect getting all passwords and mongod.conf from…

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  11. The Ops Manager UI provide an option to trigger election (stepDown)

    Have the option to perform primary stepDown from Ops Manager UI to trigger election

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  12. I found what I believe to be an error in the following document

    I found what I believe to be an error in the following document.

    In the section "5. Create the Ops Manager Application Database directory," it instructs to execute the following command
    sudo chown -R mongod:mongod /data

    In my environment, the mongod user does not exist and I get an error, but looking at the passwd file, the mongodb user and mongodb group seem to exist. The version is 11.7.

    I think the correct command is as follows
    sudo chown -R mongodb:mongodb /data

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  13. Operating System distribution and version of a host in OPS Manager API

    would be useful having the operating system distribution and version of a host for our automation scripts.
    This info is not available in any OPS Manager API request, as the case 01119828.
    My suggestion is add this info at "Get Host by ID"
    Best regards,

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  14. Ability to mark a deployment as an INELIGIBLE restore target

    Restoring to a cluster is one of the few destructive actions that Ops Manager takes and it's terrifying to see our main production cluster listed as a possible restore target!

    I would love to be able to toggle a setting on this cluster to indicate that it is NOT available as a restore target.

    This could be similar to the AWS "DisableApiTermination" feature that prevents instance termination.

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  15. Ops Manager Load Balancer

    In the same way we can connect to a replica set via a connection string containing the 3 hostnames of the members (in a 3 member replica set) which indicates some load balancing built in, it would be good to allow automation agent's mmsBaseUrl parameter to accept 3 Ops Manager web app hostnames if Ops Manager was running in 3 nodes on top of a 3 member replica set OM Application DB. With this, if one of the 3 Ops Manager web apps fails, the agent's connection to OM will be uninterrupted. Currently we will have to configure our own…

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  16. Add recommended ulimit settings to the systemctl service definition

    The Ops Manager documentation recommends higher than default ulimit settings, so why not include these in the systemctl service definition?

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  17. Deploy Changes without restarting mongod/mongos instance immediately.

    Whenever we want to make changes, eg. set a new parameter or add new parameter in configuration (advance configuration options), after we save changes, review and deploy, automation immediately starts applying that change and does a rolling restart.
    We need flexibility in restart, means one should have an option to perform immediate rolling restart or defer it to later time. We may apply multiple changes at different times and set one preferred window to restart instance instead of doing multiple restarts.

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  18. Ability to start the bi connector using a .drdl file in Ops Manager

    Ability to start the bi connector using a .drdl file in Ops Manager. Currently only possible with en premise bi connector deployment(mongosqld).

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  19. Add possibility to configure the process hostnames for the automation config map

    In order to use external certificates could it be possible to configure the process hostnames in automation config map

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  20. TLS secret key config

    Add option to configure the secret keys for the server and CA certificate and replace the default ones tls.crt, tls.key and ca.crt

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