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15 results found

  1. BsonIgnoreIfEmpty - Property Attribute

    Like BsonIgnoreIfDefault and BsonIgnoreIfNull, we can add BsonIgnoreIfEmpty.
    It can be added on IEnumerables (which we basically know they cannot have infinite values since it is inserted to db after all..) and if the IEnumerable is empty, it wont serialize it to the db BUT will know to put default value (an empty list for example) in said property.

    They will decrease below boilerplate code for IEnumerable<T>:

    Field = otherField?.count > 0 ? otherFIeld : null;

    otherField = Field ?? new List<T>;

    Obviously, we can improve this code to also support Dictionary<Tkey, Tvalue>.

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  2. Create / Update LabVIEW Driver

    There seem to not exist any official LabVIEW Drivers / VIs for MongoDB.

    There do exist some LabVIEW VIs for MongoDB that work very well based on a C# DLL:

    However those only work with older MongoDB Versions and I can`t get them to work with Atlas and the most recent MongoDB Version 4.2, I guess the DLLs need to be updated (and depending on the changes of the API also some of the VIs)

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  3. Asynchronous variant of IIdGenerator

    We have use cases where IDs assigned to documents are generated by an external service. Communication with the external service is asynchronous. We have created custom IIdGenerator implementations for this purpose, and they work, but unfortunately the IIdGenerator interface is synchronous only. This exposes the known problems with "sync over async" code.

    Obviously we could assign the IDs manually and not rely on using an IIdGenerator, but it would be very convenient to have an async variant of the IIdGenerator interface for this use case.

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  4. Create a close method on the MongoClient.

    I have run into a situation where threads are not being garbage collected and are causing a serious issue. When we create a database for a specific user, we generate the users’ credentials inside of that database with access only to that database. The problem arises when we need to delete the user and database. The user sometime in the past connected to MongoDB using their credentials which leaves behind an open thread to the MongoDB that is logging into MongoDB once a minute with that users’ credentials. We then come along with our Admin user account and delete the…

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  5. Expired Transactions failures should be reported more clearly in the driver error message

    Long-running transactions may trigger an aborted transaction, but the cause is not clearly communicated by the driver exception message.

    Failed: Command insert failed: Transaction 1 has been aborted..
    Unhandled exception. MongoDB.Driver.MongoCommandException: Command insert failed: Transaction 1 has been aborted..

    To reproduce, set a very low timeout:

    replicaset:PRIMARY> db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds: 1 } )

    Then run a long running transaction from the C# driver.

    The cause can be confirmed by checking the MongoDB log for a [abortExpiredTransaction]:

    replicaset:PRIMARY> show log global

    2020-07-31T03:59:49.196+0000 I COMMAND [abortExpiredTransactions] Aborting transaction with txnNumber 1 on session xxxxxx because it has been running for…

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  6. if drive can deal with DateTime.Date,it will be useful

    we offen have this require,we need to compare DateTime field on Date(exclude time),but if use drive compare with DateTime.Date,drive will throw a exception tell us dont support..

    db.CheckOns.Find(x => x.RecordTime.Date == new DateTime(2020, 3, 19)).ToList();
    //public DateTime RecordTime{get;set}

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  7. use ConventionPack in aggregate same as find

    for example :We want save string value of Enum to database,we set EnumRepresentationConvention Convention.
    then we can use it in match. but in aggregate group,it dosent work:

    public enum Gender { Male,Female}
    public class Person
    public int Age { get; set; }
    public Gender Gender { get; set; }
    public object Test()
    var query=db.database.GetCollection<Person>("persons").Aggregate().Group(x => x.Age,g=>new {
    FemaleCount = g.Sum(x => x.Gender == Gender.Female ? 1 : 0),
    var queryString = query.ToString();
    return queryString;
    //queryString will be: aggregate([{ "$group" : { "
    id" : "$age", "MaleCount" : { "$sum" : {…

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  8. Provide an event for collecting schema validation, with validation Action as a warning.

    We are looking for a method for collecting data related to scheme validation issues for logging in the c# driver. Currently, we can set schema validation to error and capture the issue using mongo write exceptions. However, we don't want to restrict the data write, but rather capture the invalid document in the logs to determine the root cause.

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  9. Support TagWithCallSite and TagWith with EF Core Provider

    It'd be good to support TagWithCallSite and TagWith so it's easier to figure out where the queries came from. The "tag" could be put in the query option comments so that it can be used when profiling and with otel integrations.

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  10. 1 vote
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  11. .NET 6.0 support for Entity Framework driver

    The pre-release version of the EF support in C# driver is only published for .NET 7.0 while the LTS version of .NET is 6.0 and many vendors use (and will use it) for a long time. The roadmap from–roadmap doesn't mention support for any other .NET versions.

    The support of .NET 6.0 would potentially increase adoption and user base.

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  12. Support for FilterDefinition as part of Atlas Search/$search

    Allow the Search Function to accept a FilterDefinition<T> object and/or a SortDefinition object to do the filtering/sorting as part of the Search routine instead of it being in a unique format only to search.

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  13. SnakeCaseElementNameConvention

    Please add support for snake case convention. Snake Case is super popular with API designs.

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  14. 1 vote
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  15. Create MSI package to install .NET MongoDB driver

    I manage SQL Server. I would like to request standalone 32 and 64 bit MongoDB .Net Driver in MSI format. We typically do not install Development tools on SQL Server database hosts (no visual studio, no nuget.exe). So downloading the driver using package manager is challenging. If that is not possible, can you provide us how to download and install the driver using Powershell?

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