Release notes with urgency and risk
Provide MongoDB customers/users with an understandable release notes, especially for bugfixes.
What are the risks this bugfix release covers, what is its urgency.
Right now, release notes are made of MongoDB Jira tickets, which are very detailed and refer to the implementation of MongoDB, and thus cannot be easily understood by end users.
As a suggestion, release notes could sum up the following data in a simple table:
- Nature of impact
-> data corruption: yes/no
-> downtime: of a single node / of the whole cluster / on a subset of requests / etc
- Context of impact
-> conditions: any sharded cluster / any cluster / only with SSL / only with multi-doc transactions / etc
-> trigger: spontaneous / on upgrade / on specific action / etc
- Workarounds
-> preemptive workaround: yes / no
-> corrective workaround: yes / no
This is a general idea, applicable for Mongo Database but also any other Mongo product.
This is an important matter to us, because it would guide us on when to allocate resources to install a bugfix update...and possibly avoid production failures (as we've had last month)