multiple centersphere as a geometry for geowithin
im looking at one of my queries that a system regularly runs and some times we look for records that are within up to 250 different centerspheres, i wornder if we could enable, like geowithin has the ability to support multiple poligons, we could enable multiple centerspheres ,
$match: {{'location':{
"$geoWithin" : {
"$centerSphere" : [[ 14.4321, -9.4321], 2.5232135647961246e-05]
}}, {'location':{
"$geoWithin" : {
"$centerSphere" : [[ 14.4321, -9.4321], 2.5232135647961246e-05]
}}, ...}
we could do :
$match: {'location':{
"$geoWithin" : {
"$centerSpheres" : [
[[ 14.4321, -9.4321], 2.5232135647961246e-05] ,
[[ 14.4321, -9.4321], 2.5232135647961246e-05],