Periodic large bulk insert/update all or nothing with instant switchover
Provide the ability for orgs to update things like large reference data sets periodically. E.g. an ecommerce site updates its product inventory every night at midnight, where even though the inserts or updates may take say 10 minutes to run and complete, the applications do not see the changes until the bulk update finishes. The problem otherwise is currently, the ecommerce app, in this example, may be reading product data partly from yesterday's data and partly from today's changed data, during the 10 minute run. For consistency the application would ideally want to see data from either before the bulk update state or after bulk update state, and not any immediate state.
Note 1: This isn't really a transactions use case as transactions are typically much more ephemeral and short lived
Note 2: If something went wrong part way through the bulk insert/update, there would need to be someway of unwinding all these changes to applications never see them (and once some fixes upstream issues they can do a full run again)
Note 3: I've given ecommerice as an example, but most verticals have these use cases, e.g. changing bulk reference data in FinSvcs.